Add config to shift min. rarity for the apothic_crafting
- Used to shift the min. rarity downwards by x amount (default: 0)
- Allows a broader range to be considered when the rarity is selected
Add apothic_crafting
attribute, which grants the chance to automatically affix crafted items (0% chance with default value)
fix crash when interacting with the eldritch table with the 'innate_unlocks_eldritch' config enabled
initial 1.21 release
respiration attribute has been removed (unneeded due to vanilla oxygen attribute)
fix issue with third party spell / school level attributes
- add compatibility for third-party spells
- add config to not show innate spells if an equally or more powerful version is already present (e.g. through a spell book)
- add config to unlock / learn eldritch spells as long as a related innate attribute (school or spell) is present
- fix looting attribute only working on dedicated servers
- add spell / school level attributes to all entites instead of just the player
add innate attributes for spells and schools (which add the relevant spells to the spell selection independent of the current spellbook, staff, etc.)
- added config to allow level increases for spells with a max. level of 1
- added translations for newest spells
- use new spell level event for irons spellbooks
- use spell level attributes for all entity types
1.20.1 release
fix mixin application issue
Initial release