Wandering Witch
A new wandering trader variant that sells potion ingredients and similar items for spider eyes.

Badlands Temple
A new badlands variant of the desert temple, rewarding the mysterious cursed crown...

Echoing Hourglass
Turn sand into suspicious sand with the echoing hourglass, enabling renewability of trims and pottery sherds.

Witch Hat
A unique helmet item that increases potion ingredient drops from mobs such as ghasts, magma cubes, and rabbits.

The compendium, a full in-game guide for every single feature, featuring an unlocking system and recipe guide.

The long-lost cousin of the sniffer, with flowers that can be brewed into serums to make you grow or shrink.

Crashed End Ship
A new structure for the end... I wonder what could be inside after all this time?

Cherry Grove Village
Villages now spawn in cherry groves. The perfect place for your next vacation!

Sparse Jungle Village
Villages now spawn in sparse jungles, including a centerpiece with a map to the reworked jungle temple.

Mangrove Swamp Villages
Villages can now spawn in mangrove swamps, between the twisting roots of the mangrove trees.

Ocean Monument Rework
The monument has been fully reworked, with lots more loot, guaranteed sponge, a trident, and a more cohesive layout.

Prismarine Pottery
You can now find prismarine sherds in ocean ruins and decorate prismarine pots with them

Coral Drowned
Drowned can now spawn covered in all types of coral. Easy early-game coral!

Nether Brick Pottery
Nether brick pottery can be found in many archaeology sites around the nether. Perfect for darker decor.

Refuge Remains
The nether equivalent of the trail ruins buried in the soul sand valley, rewarding nether brick pottery sherds.

The enchanter has returned from Minecraft: Dungeons to give your raids and mansions an extra level of pain.

Woodland Mansion Rework
The mansion has been reworked with a new enemy, a new reward, and a whole new hidden basement level.

The iceologer has made his triumphant return, calling the tundra keep his home.

Tundra Keep
A new icy fortress that spawns in snowy biomes, with new loot and foes to face.

Everyone's most hated enemy from Minecraft: Dungeons makes a return as a rare deepslate-layer spawn.

Diluted Potions
A new potion variant crafted with amethyst dust, a drop from geomancers and amethyst clusters. Turn a long potion into several sips of a shorter duration!

Phantom Item Frame
A unique answer to invisible item frames, crafted with phantom membranes.