Survivor's Elegy 1.0.1 (28/02/2025)
- Added Creeper Fuse Time Variation toggle button on the config menu to disable the module
- Added Light Sensors now default to their neutral model when dragging them in the inventory in survival. This makes them able to be stacked
- Added Safe Mode, which should automatically disable the Creeper Fuse Time Variation module if the server doesn't support the operations used by the datapack
- Changed Light Sensors can now be stacked up to 64
- Fixed paintings not generating correctly on cities
- Fixed sleeping skipped several days instead of just 1
Survivor's Elegy 1.0.0 (23/02/2025)
- Updated to 1.21.4
- Added Ancient Shield. It stores vibrations when blocking, charging the shield up. 8 vibrations amount to a charge. It can store up to 6 charges. When blocking a projectile while crouching, if the shield has charge it will shoot the arrow where the player is looking. It's more durable than regular shields, and can be found oxidised on Infected Cities. It can be repaired on an anvil using copper ingots or prismarine shards. It has 4 oxidisation stages, charging the shield fully and blocking an attack will clean one oxidisation stage, consuming all the charge within.
- Added Ancient Tofu. Crafted with any ancient seed and a milk bucket. Has 8 nutrition and 12 saturation. Eating a piece will grant the player 2 stackable extra hearts for 15 minutes, up to 8 extra hp, which will deplete accordingly. Death will remove the effects. Zombification will deplete the player's max HP regardless of the HP boost, which can cause sudden death after the boost wears off. Tofu has no extra effect on broths
- Added Bee Counters now also display the honey level on a hive
- Added Chiseled Copper variants to the beacon base blocks list. Unwaxed Oxidised Chiseled Copper is excluded from this
- Added command toolbox to advance the world's time safely and without restarting the world count. Accessible by using the command "/function survivors_elegy:toolbox/time/*"
- Added Creakings are immune to Phage
- Added Credits to the config menu
- Added Dyeable Suit, Hat and Pants.
- Added eating Chorus Fruit increases 1 point of warped poisoning and reduces 1 point of withering
- Added eating Frog Legs has a 10 second cooldown period
- Added enchantment siscu:mount_catalyst
- Added flying at cloud level while wearing netherite during a thunderstorm causes the player to get instantly struck by lightning
- Added Infected Cities. Found on the Overworld several thousands of blocks apart from each other
- Added Infected Zombies inflict weak phage to any entity they attack
- Added "Mount Catalyst"(siscu:mount_catalyst) enchantment. It can only be worn on saddles, and transfers some enchantments of the player's armor to the mount. It can only be found on Enchanter Guides
- Added names to hanging piglin decorations: Crimson Banners and Crimson Paintings
- Added Novice Fishmongers can sell any fish
- Added Oxidation can now be prevented by standing on a Honeycomb Block. This allows for storing Copper Armor on Armor Stands without their oxidation level being affected
- Added Oxidation now depends on humidity. A copper set will oxidise 5 times faster under water or during rain
- Added Pale Garden fish: bass and catfish, just like dark forests
- Added Phantoms will disappear if there's a cat in a 32 block radius from their nearest player when they spawn
- Added sounds and particles for travelling to and from the End
- Added technical enchantment: Dazzling. Worn on hand by amethyst zombies, applies blindness to any victim along with the flash particle, not only to players. Theoretically unobtainable
- Added technical enchantmet: Infectious. Worn on hand by Infected zombies, has a 50% chance of inflicting phage (unluck) to the victim on hit. Theoretically unobtainable
- Added Undead Wolves cannot breed
- Added Wandering Traders can now be zombified
- Added Wax Wolf Armor. Makes zombified wolves unable to rot. Obtained by upgrading Wolf Armor in a smithing table using honeycomb. The armor can be given to the wolf anytime, the wolf will absorb it if and while it's zombified
- Added Zombies in Infected Citadel's sewers can spawn with 4 minutes of the infested potion effect (20% of zombies)
- Added Zombies in Strongholds can spawn with 4 minutes of the infested potion effect (5% of zombies)
- Added Zombified Pillagers, Wandering Traders, Vindicators, Evokers and Witches. They spawn naturally, the latter the rarer. They can also be obtained by zombifying their analogous illager
- Added Zombified Wolf curing. Wolves zombified from this version onward will recover their previous variant when unzombified. Otherwise, it defaults to "pale"
- Changed base item for Config Book from Warped Fungus on a Stick to Raw Gold
- Changed Bogged Zombies loot. Now they always drop the same as when shearing a Bogged Skeleton
- Changed Citizen Zombies, reduced suit drop amount to the vanilla armor drop chance
- Changed Copper Armor negates all discharges, regardless if the player is wearing Netherite gear
- Changed Copper Pickaxes can no longer be used to mine diamond ore variants
- Changed Copper Tools can no longer be used to mine materials above iron tier
- Changed Copper Discharge's trajectories. Increased randomness
- Changed day announcement "Xth day" to use subscript on the nuber prefixes
- Changed Daytime Length Config panel. "Enable / Disable daylight cycle" --> "Enable / Freeze daylight cycle"
- Changed Config Books now are given to the first player by inserting it in any slot of the inventory, instead of always in the slot 0
- Changed Drowned can now also wear copper boots and leggings. They will only wear leggings if they also wear a chestplate
- Changed Enchanter Guides behave now as Enchanted Books. This change of base item tangentially makes SE compatible with other datapacks
- Changed Enchanter Guides now can be re-rolled by using it on hand in exchange for 1 lapis and 1 xp level. Re-rolling changes the enchantment it contains. It can contain most enchantments, the original always being Mount Catalyst. It will
- Changed Enchanting Table recipe now requires an Enchanted Book instead of an Enchanter's Guide
- Changed Endermen will now hold blocks according to what dimensions the nearest player has been to
- Changed flying while wearing netherite during thunderstorms will only strike the player if it's under cloud level
- Changed Husk Skeletons only grant the hunger effect when attacking directly
- Changed Maps on Pillager Outposts now point to Infected Cities instead of Villages
- Changed Patrol Leaders now hold the Pillager Compass on their offhands
- Changed Phage and Zombification detection, it should now be more consistent
- Changed Pillager Compasses can now point to illager mansions
- Changed Shutters, now roll/unroll in a cascading manner instead of all in the same tick, thus reducing server stress
- Changed Sculk Plantoid interactions. Crouching when hitting will give the player more control over how many xp is being taken from the plantoid
- Changed Sculk Plantoids recipe now requires only 2 Echo Shards
- Changed siscu:nether_fortress has been now removed, and is now replacing minecraft:fortress
- Changed Stray and Husk Robes no longer get damaged when the wearer is injured
- Changed Withering and Warped Poisoning timers to reduce tick stress. Those mechanics now progress at a constant pace, instead of relying on randomness
- Changed Withering is now less punishing
- Changed zombified players exposed to the sun will display small flame particles as their helmet burns
- Fixed Bogged are now affected by the withering
- Fixed Cats weren't black on witch huts
- Fixed killing pigs or striders wearing enchanted saddles didn't drop the enchanted item
- Fixed Oxidation
- Fixed phage effect flickering when drinking milk
- Fixed players could leave and enter the nether for a window of time without losing progress for the "Facing the Darkness" advancement
- Fixed resourcepack's mipmapping errors
- Fixed square root calculation method
- Optimised Entity transformations
- Optimised eye height dependant commands
- Optimised Rotting timers
- Renamed "Shutters" to "Blinds"
- Retextured Snout Banner Pattern item
- Rewritten shutters detection
- Updated most tags to use the "siscu." prefix
- Updated Potion Grimoires, they now contain the recipes for Wind Charged, Infested, Weaving and Oozing potions
- Reduced Baby Zombie's chance of spawning with weapons to 10%
- Removed Bamboo being used as sticks in crafting recipes
- Removed climbable chains and cobwebs
- Removed Combat Stick crafting recipes
- Removed Credits from the common credits screen
- Removed DoInsomnia gamerule being forcibly set to true when first loading the pack
- Removed Enchanted Golden Apples recipe
- Removed Enchanted Saddles. They've been replaced by the Mount Catalyst enchantment
- Removed Enchanter's Guide story advancement
- Removed non-waxed Oxidised Copper Blocks and non-waxed Oxidised Cut Copper Blocks from the beacon base blocks list
- Removed Piglin Brute Heads
- Removed Potions, Phantom Membranes and Milk Buckets from Cauldron Cooking. This change is provisional and will be reverted in future updates
- Removed Ravager Horns. All horns on trades have been replaced with diamonds
- Removed unused files
- Restored Wandering Trader's loot table to vanilla
Survivor's Elegy alpha 0.9.4 (10/09/2024)
- Added Melon Slice to broth cauldron cooking
- Added undead wolves now drop bones, rotten flesh or withered bones on death, depending on their variant
- Added xp can be bottled up from Sculk Plantoids to get Bottles o'Enchanting
- Changed Clandestine Trading detection to avoid adding trades to entities following smithed conventions
- Fixed Drowned and Husk rotten flesh now properly give mining fatigue and slowness respectively
- Fixed Water Buckets didn't deplete when interacting with a cooking cauldron
Survivor's Elegy alpha 0.9.3 (29/07/2024)
- Added a figment of smithed entity conventions. Custom smithed entities should now not get initialised, rot or wither
- Added Baby Skeletons can now ride entities like Baby Zombies do
- Added Baby Undeads can now ride Armadillos
- Added Ladles. using a ladle on a cauldron will enable Broth Cooking for that cauldron.
- Added Broth Cooking. Adding food to a water filled cooking cauldron will add its saturation and nutrition to the broth. Only the top of the cauldron must be interacted with. A single potion can be aded to the broth, adding this effect to the resulting food. It can be scooped with a bowl, bottle or bucket. The cauldron must be heated from below in order for a broth to be scooped. The resulting broth has the proportional nutrition of the water level in the cauldron. The potion length is proportionally shortened as well.
- Added Broth. Cooked on a cauldron, allows mixing different foods in a single superfood, which can also contain a potion effect.
- Added Broth on a Bucket. Obtained by scooping a broth-filled cauldron with a bucket. It takes 10 seconds to eat, but is also the best food in the game with a potential nutrition of 48 food points and 77 saturation points plus a potion effect
- Added Cinder Lamps, Allay Lamps and Vex Lamps. Those can be used to contain a Vex by hitting one with it, or an Allay by giving it a Lamp
- Added login text for missing resourcepacks
- Added Mirage entity and Mirage on a Bottle item. Mirages are interactive floating item displays. A Mirage on a bottle is crafted with a glass bottle, an amethyst shard, a phantom membrane and a popped chorus fruit. Deploying a mirage will summon an interactible entity at the center of the block. An empty display will generate End Rod particles around it. Interacting with it using an item will display a copy of said item in the mirage's location. Once a mirage is displaying an item it cannot be changed again. A mirage can be bottled back anytime by using a glass bottle on it while crouching
- Added Silverfish Nests. Now infested stone will replace monster room features
- Added Withered Skeleton Wolf. Obtained when a Skeleton Wolf spends some time in the nether. They're bulkier than regular wolves, bigger, with 60 HP and 7 ATT.
- Changed Fried Eggs saturation, increased from 0.5 to 6
- Fixed instances where entities rot, drowned, zombified or withered would cause the passengers to get dragged into the void
- Fixed Mesa Mineshafts sometimes generated like flying structures
- Fixed mineshafts generated air bubbles underwater
- Fixed Warped Food Effects sometimes not being applied
- Fixed Warped Poisoning couldn't be cured when Withering was disabled
- Fixed Zombie and Skeleton Wolves were able to grow up
- Optimised Bee Counters
- Updated Introduction Booklet
Survivor's Elegy alpha 0.9.2 (01/07/2024)
- Added Bogged Zombie Spawn Egg
- Added Light Sensors now update when placed on item frames
- Added Players can now use light sensors on both hands simultaneously
- Added new subtitles for Banners on Boats and Shutters
- Changed max stack size for Bee Counters to 64.
- Fixed Bee Counters
- Fixed Bee Counter's previously wrong custom data. The player must hold the item on the cursor in survival mode for the changes to be applied
- Fixed "Curious Bee" advancement is no longer granted when placing any raw copper on an item frame
- Fixed Item Frame fixed items ignored said property
Survivor's Elegy alpha 0.9.1 (20/06/2024)
- Added Spanish es_es
- Added Portuguese Brazilian pt_br
- Fixed Crimson and Warped Stews not generating on loot chests
- Fixed Warped Wart Stews not giving back a Bowl
Survivor's Elegy alpha 0.9.0 (18/06/2024)
- Updated to 1.21
- Added baby bogged
- Added baby skeletons. Has illager and piglin variants
- Added baby strays
- Added baby withered skeletons. Has illager and piglin variants
- Added baby zombie base damage has been reduced to 2. This extends to baby skeletons as well
- Added bogged zombies. They rot into Bogged instead of Skeletons. Always drop 1 red or brown mushroom on death
- Added Drowned are now weak to impaling
- Added Fried Eggs for cooking Eggs on a Furnace, Smoker or Campfire
- Added Frog Legs will give the player Jump Boost IV for 10 seconds
- Added Charge on Copper Armor will now be displayed by default
- Added Cherry and Mangrove wood blocks allow bamboo instead of sticks on their recipe
- Added Citizen/Elegant Zombies. They spawn with a 1% chance on the surface, and are likely to also be infected and able to inflict phage on the player
- Added "Confusion" damage type for technical purposes
- Added damaged tools on Nether Fortress chests
- Added Elegant hat, suit and trousers. They provide 1 protection point each. The Hat's durability doesn't decrease when worn by zombified players under sunlight. Obtainable from Citizen Zombies
- Added Enchanted Tablets. An enchanted tablet works exactly the same as an Enchanted Book. Those can contain mending, frost walker 2 or any curse, the earlier being more common than the latter. Can be found buried on Jungle Ruin's suspicious blocks. Jungle Ruins generated on previous versions won't contain them
- Added Fire Spring numeration for development purposes
- Added Fire Springs toggle on "- Custom Entities" config tab
- Added Fire Springs visual indicator
- Added illagers no longer attack Wandering Traders
- Added increased reach for newly crafted Battle Staffs (+0.5 blocks)
- Added Light Sensor. It displays the light level at the player's location. It can switch to check the darkness level with Rclick
- Added Netherite is weak to Copper Discharges due to its magnetic properties. Players wearing netherite will be dealt 3 HP of damage when receiving any discharge, either from copper armor or guardians.
- Added new shutters no longer have a tooltip text display over them
- Added newly crafted or generated Warped Wart foods can be eaten anytime
- Added Pamphlet. This book announces some of the progression changes and features the datapack includes. It is granted to all players when first joining the world, regardless of status.
- Added Pamphlets are sold by Wandering Traders for 2 emeralds
- Added players flying while wearing netherite armor during a thunderstorm have a chance of getting smitten by lightning
- Added players smitten by lightning will close their elytras, dooming them to fall. This doesn't disable them, and can be opened again while falling
- Added sculk plantoid. Crafted with a pitcher pod and sculk blocks, it can be placed on decorated pots. Interacting with it will absorb the player's experience and store it. Attacking it will give back its stored experience. Breaking the pot will release a big xp orb with all the stored experience and drop the plantoid
- Added Shields will now block 75% of explosion damage instead of all of it
- Added Skeleton Wolves. Obtained when a Zombified Wolf rots away
- Added special zombies can sometimes spawn outside of their usual locations
- Added unobtainable Amethyst Shield. Successfully blocking 6 attacks will build up 1 charge. The maximum charge amount is 4. Blocking an attack while crouching will consume a charge and blast a sonic boom up to 20 blocks ahead. Further testing required
- Added unobtainable small gear for baby zombies
- Added Water bottles can be crafted with a bottle and 3 cactus
- Added Wolves on an 8-block radius will become invisible when the player is stealth sneaking
- Added Zombie Wolves. Obtained by infecting a Wolf with Phage
- Added Zombified Players can now inflict the Phage effect on another player by punching them
- Changed Cats on Witch huts aren't always black anymore
- Changed Discharges. Added tag #siscu:discharge_immune
- Changed electric charges now ignore armor protection
- Changed height of copper discharges to not come from the feet
- Changed Jungle Ruins loot. Treasure items are now more common
- Changed max amount of electric charges stored on copper gear from unlimited to 512
- Changed Phage icon texture
- Changed Piglin Axes durability to 160 uses instead of the vanilla 32
- Changed Pillager Patrol Leaders now search for the nearest outpost right after spawning to avoid the game freezing mid-combat
- Changed Shutters now also roll horizontally
- Fixed Chiseled Bookshelves can now be gathered without silk touch
- Fixed Jungle Ruins generation: missing loot blocks, missing foundations, roads and water interaction
- Fixed Piglin Brutes couldn't become zombified
- Fixed Shutters sometimes being placed upside down
- Fixed Wardens reset their roaring animation when a player plays a goat horn
- Fixed zombification timer resets each time a player is hurt by an infected zombie
- Optimised fire springs
- Optimised grass stealth when having invisibility
- Tweaked bell vibration speed calculus
- Updated Swamp Huts generation
- Removed Copper Armor and Tool oxidation for this version (further testing required)
- Removed Custom Tools and Armor Module (CTAM), now using vanilla components
- Removed Daylight Sensors reading
- Removed Mangrove wood of witch huts on Mangroves
- Removed pigs and striders drop Enchanted Saddles on death if equipped (to be re-added)
- Removed Spyglass head angle display
- Removed Tridents turning into copper rods when breaking
Survivor's Elegy alpha 0.8.8_2 (14/02/2024)
- Fixed custom tools didn't decrease their durability
Survivor's Elegy alpha 0.8.8_1 (10/02/2024)
- Fixed Villager Mending Nerf
Survivor's Elegy alpha 0.8.8 (10/02/2024)
- Added novice Fletcher Villagers won't trade emeralds for sticks. Existing villagers with this trade will be omitted. This can be toggled in the config menu
- Added novice Librarian Villagers won't trade mending books. Existing villagers with this trade will be omitted. This can be toggled in the config menu
- Added Tridents with Loyalty will return to the player when falling into the void
- Added Warden Retreating is now toggleable in the config menu
- Added Zombified Player's helmets will lose durability if exposed to the sun
- Changed Badlands Mineshafts to generate 20 blocks lower under the surface than before to reduce the risk of floating structures
- Changed Zombification. After zombification, the player's max hp will decrease every 1:30 minutes(by default) until it reaches 8 hp (4 hearts). Zombie groans will be heard each time the decrease happens. This can be modified in the config menu
- Fixed Custom item's durability dropped by mobs not correlating between vanilla and SE data
- Fixed Jungle Ruin's processors
- Redesigned Config panel. Added "- New Items" and "- Entity Tweaks" tab
- Reduced amount of bamboo obtained by stonecutting scaffolding from 6 to 1
- Removed Guardians and Elder Guardians from dischargaeble_entities tag
- Removed Wandering Trader horn sounds
Survivor's Elegy alpha v0.8.7 (01/01/2024)
- Expanded on Uninstall files, they should now cause less problems
- Fixed armor trims not generating on Outposts, Strongholds and Woodland Mansions
- Fixed Nether Fortresses being filled with coarse dirt
- Fixed unused functions not loading
- Removed useless story advancements
Survivor's Elegy alpha v0.8.6 (23/12/2023)
- Updated to 1.20.3 and 1.20.4
- Redesigned Config panel. Added "[About]" tab
Survivor's Elegy alpha v0.8.5 (22/09/2023)
- Updated to 1.20.2
- Added Bells generate vibration particles towards glowing entities when used holding Echo Shards
- Added dynamic daylength schedules
- Optimised randomisers
Survivor's Elegy alpha v0.8.4 (19/09/2023)
- Added "survivors_elegy:config" function, alias to "siscu:config"
- Added Guardian attacks will create sparks similar to copper armor's discharges between the Player and the Guardian
- Added "Wishing Well" advancement for getting a well's treasure
- Fixed Desert wells not generating Suspicious Sand
- Fixed Crossbows on Wandering Black Trades could come enchanted with Smite
- Fixed Patrol Compasses not dropping correctly
- Fixed Sonic Toll happening when using an Echo Shard in any interactable block
- Fixed Jungle Ruin's paths generating on water, creating uneven water levels
Survivor's Elegy alpha v0.8.3 (16/09/2023)
- Added Brute Shield sounds when successfully blocking an attack
- Added Trader Llamas can spawn on caravan instead of being both leashed to the Wandering Trader
- Added Wandering Trader black market, accessed by holding an ominous banner in front of a Wandering Trader. New trades are enchanted Iron Axes, enchanted Crossbows, Phage Arrows and Totems of Undying. The latter two's prices are Ravager Horns
- Added Wandering Traders have a 20% chance of spawning with a pack animal and a mascot instead of 2 Llamas. Pack animals: Camel, Donkey, Mule. Mascots: Wolf, Cat, Bee, Pig, Cow, Chicken, Parrot. A rare variant can spawn consisting of a Chicken riding a Cat riding a Wolf riding a Donkey.
- Changed Battle Sticks to use Wooden Sword as the base item. Battle Sticks can now be enchanted, deal 3 HP and have a durability of 100 uses. Bamboo Battle Sticks have a durability of 200 uses. Battle Sticks will adapt these new changes if held on hand by a player
- Changed Blaze attack range on Metamorphic caves from 40 blocks to 20
- Changed Config item base item from Raw Gold to Warped Fungus on a Stick
- Changed pitch of a Bell's toll when using it with an Echo Shard
- Changed loot on Witch Hut's potion chest: drastically reduced the amount of potions on each chest
- Changed Ravager's death loot table. Increased Ravager Horn drop chance from 50% to 75%
- Changed Warped Food Poisoning. The healing of the poisoning will stall if the player is on a Warped Forest
- Changed "Enchanter Guide" parent advancement from "Pillager Outpost" to "Wandering Traders"
- Changed "Ravagers" parent advancement from "Pillager Outpost" to "Illagers"
- Changed "Zombies" parent advancement from "Humans" to "Cloud"
- Fixed advancement "Shocking Encounter" being granted even if the armor is not charged
- Fixed day announcements not working properly for days ended in 1
- Fixed Enchanted Books found on custom structures being enchanted themselves instead of having the enchantments stored
- Fixed Ominous Banner wasn't valid if it was placed and broken
- Fixed Piglin Crevice lava generation
- Fixed Spawn Eggs config menu not giving eggs
- Fixed Wardens forget about their current victims when a player uses a horn
- Removed "Humans" advancement
- Removed "The temple under the sea" advancement
- Removed "Trident" advancement
- Added Enchanter Guides sold by Wandering Traders increase in price for 2 emeralds each time the player buys one, with a max of 64 emeralds for 1 Guide
- Added custom mobs Spawn Eggs. They can be obtained from the config menu
- Added "Emergency Save" advancement for eating Chorus Fruit below the End's bottom build limit
- Added "Equestrian Expertise" advancement for getting all Horse Armor items
- Added "Hidden in Plain Sight" advancement for crouching in tall grass without wearing any armor
- Added "Overpowered" advancement for making a warden retreat from battle
- Added "Pirates!" advancement for placing an Ominous Banner on a boat
- Added "Polar Opposites" advancement for riding a Strider saddled with an Enchanted Saddle whilst having Frost Walker
- Added "Sonic Toll" advancement for ringing a bell whilst holding an Echo Shard
- Added "Time Capsule" advancement for making a suspicious block by pushing an item using an item frame and a button
- Changed Config Book will be given to the player in the slot 0 of their inventory
- Changed parent for "Pillager Outpost" advancement to "Illager"
- Chaged Warden Burying code. Now the same warden buries itself, and an extra Warden in not summoned anymore
- Fixed Blasting raw ore blocks not working
- Fixed Enchanted Saddles equipping on pigs and striders only if the player is in creative mode
- Fixed Husk Skeletons burning in sunlight
- Fixed Wax Horse Armor not working
- Retextured Warped Wart
- Removed "Fish" item from the "Fishmonger" advancement requirements
- Removed "Patrol Compass" advancement