This is a datapack that adds a bit of difficulty and fun to the game.
Give special abilities and better equipment to monsters.
5% of zombies and skeletons become specmob, accompanied by various special abilities. Killing them will gain more experience and a chance to drop enchantment books.
They also have better equipment and may carry special offhand weapons(Splash Potion,Ender Pearl,Lava,Shield,Silverfish,Cobweb,Removable TNT).
Players killing monsters will increase their difficulty level. The increase in difficulty will equip zombies and skeletons with better equipment!
Disco: Summon weakened baby zombies.Silverfish: Throw silverfish spawn egg and summon silverfish.
Furnace: Catch fire and rage when its HP is low.
Piston: Hit player to fly or throw mobs next to it towards the player.
Knight(Zombie): Crazy jump attack.
Knight(Skeleton): Shoot tracking arrow and use sword when player close.
Doctor: Throw potion or use spell to recover health to surrounding monsters.
Firework: Launch firework that release arrow rain.
UAV: Launch dispenser UAV to shoot arrows at player.
Fang: Summon Evoker Fangs.
Shulker: Shoot Shulker Bullet.
Ender: Charge and teleport to player.
Gatling(Skeleton): Shoot consecutive arrows.
Necromancer(Evoker): Summon zombie villagers instead of Vex. And revive other Illagers after their death.
Flame Evoker(Evoker, 1.20.x): Using flame attacks instead of fangs.(Be careful of fire during raid!)
Wither Wizard(10%Wither Skeleton, 1.20.x): Shoot Wither Skull(only damage).
Some other features:
When they spawn in the cave, they may hold pickaxes.
Drop various minerals after dying.
10% become Charged Creeper during rain.
Enderman;Slime;Wither Skeleton:
Give player negative effect when they combo player.
20% become Burst Blaze, continuously shoot many fireball and harming themselves.
They will drop tears to hurt player below.
5% of drowneds can summon lightning.
May shoot poisonous arrows when spawn in the forest biomes.
Wither Skeleton:
Appear more frequently in the fortress.
10% use bow to shoot wither arrows.
10% of zombies rage when their HP drops below 8❤.
May spawn with Drowned during rain.
May be double spawn.
Shoot cobweb to player.
May spawn with Cave Spider when they are underground.
Teleport when attacked.
Summon faster fangs.
Summon Wither Skeleton.
Summon Wither Skull surrounding itself when its health drops below half.(1.20.x)
Ender Dragon:
Shoot multiple dragon fireball.
Summon End Crystal on Dragon Breath.
Provoke Enderman to attack player without carved pumpki nwhen Ender Dragon is attacked.
You can access a chat based configuration menu by running the command
/function specmobs:help
You can use it to get the spawn egg of special mobs.
Future version will be divided into two datapacks:
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