Ninja Moves Wallrun
Wall runs allow until 1 seconds of wall running, allowing you to jump from a wall to another one. It require high precision about the distance between your body and the wall. To close, you stop sprinting; to far away, you slip and fall.

Ninja Moves Walljump
Wall jumps allow front jumps while sprinting, up to 3 jumps in a row. As it require sprinting, you won't be able to stick the wall and simply jump: you need momentum.

Ninja Moves Climbing
Climbing is a low momentum move, requiring you to sneak and look and the angle you want to grab. You cant climb if you're looking at the opposite direction. Once grabbed, you can side walk, maintaining sneak. Keep this position up to 5 seconds.

Ninja Moves Crawling
Crawling is easy. Sneak and look at the hole you want to crawl in. You get a quick speed effect to speed up low distance slides.

Ninja Moves Rolling
Rolling require a fall from 4+ blocks. Simply sneak during the fall, or a fiew moment before the landing. If you manage to roll, you will get the animation.

Ninja Moves Soft Landing
Soft landingn is a passive ability. This pack allwo you to reduce fall damage depending on your landing block. Damage reduction require a roll to apply. Exception for the wheat_block that is a vanilla feature.

Ninja Moves Climbable
This datapack passively adds fiew climbable blocks, such as wood_fences, bamboo, chains, iron_bars and buttons.