- Users now have the option to configure Knighy's Mystical Creatures' Dodeena
- Users now have the option to configure Born in Chaos' Krampus
- Users now have the option to configure Frosty's Frosty
- Users now have the option to configure FIorcraft' Verdant Guardian, Aqueous Guardian and Arid Guardian
- Users now have the option to configure ThreateningIy Mobs' BasaIt Wyvern and Terradragon
- Users now have the option to configure From Another World's Beast, Blair Thing and Alien Thing
- Users now have the option to configure Apotheosis' Apothic Bosses (with each tier being configurable separately)
- Users now have the option to configure The Awakening of the EIder SouIs' Farm Monstrosity
- Users now have the option to configure CIassic BattIe Towers' Battle Tower Golem
- Users now have the option to configure Dungeons And Combat's Kamath, The GraveWatcher and Pyro Knight
- Users now have the option to configure Luminous: Beasts' HorseIess Headsman, The Furnace, The Scarecrow and The SouI Furnace
- Users now have the option to configure OccuItism's Possessed Warden, Possessed EIder Guardian, Unbound Afrit and The WiId Hunt
- Users now have the option to configure Threateningly Mobs' Nature Spirit, Earth Loong, Titan Rabbit, Armor of Desert, Lich, lnferno, SoIscarab Maximus, Sea Hydra, RegaIhart and SteeIboar
- Users now have the option to configure lnka's Viraicocha
- Users now have the option to configure Printa's ArsenaI's SouI Knight
- Users now have the option to configure Paranormal Pleistocene's Necrosloth
Users now have the option to configure Abominations lnfection's Parasite Mother, FIugzeug, TeufeIskerI, Versuken and Keeper
- Users now have the option to configure Vampirism's Vampire Baron
- Users now have the option to configure Crimson Steve's Mutant Mobs' Stunt Skeleton
- Users now have the option to configure Luminous: Nether's PigIin Executioner, MushIin Spitter and The Furnace