New Features
- made actionbar display an option(off by default) can be toggled in the load.mcfunction
- code is now open source on github
- license code under CC-BY-4.0
- add readme
- encrease code readability
- fix comment being in german
fixed functions using old "player_id" scoreboard instead of the new one "iss.player_id"
reorgenized code
added "functions" folder were all the features of this pack can be used:
- "save_default" saves a global layout with an id
- "save_custom_layout" saves a personal layout for the player who is running the function
- "load_custom_layout" load the personal layout for the player who is running the function
- "load_default" load a global layout with an id
- "reset_custom_layout" replaces the personal layout with the equivalent global one
- fixed ISS giving @a Speed and Strengh