⚠️ While both 1.21-1.21.4 and 1.21.5 snapshots are supported, upgrading a world from 1.21.x to 1.21.5 is currently not supported.
Version 5.2.3 updates the map to Minecraft version 1.21.5 and adds some new items
- Updated to 1.21.5
- All versions starting from 1.21 are still supported
- Snapshots 25w02a - 25w09a are unsupported
- Because of issues in earlier snapshots, you need snapshot 25w09b or later
- Updated the item pool
- Updated Worldgen for 1.21.5
- The entire tick logic besides the error chat spam is no disabled when playing in an unsupported version
- Renamed Blind Mode to Concealed Card
- Technical changes
Item Changes
- New category
- Only available when playing 1.21.5
- Added Lodestone
- was changed in 1.21.5 to use an iron ingot instead of netherite
- Added Lodestone compass
- Also mutually exclusive with compass and map
- Likelihood is split with compass in that category, making map still as likely as before
- New Category
- Only available when playing 1.21.5
- Contains existing items: slime ball, sticky piston, leash and poison arrow
- Added firefly bush
Warm Biomes
- Added dead bush to this category (previously only categorized as "shearable")
- Added Cactus Flower
- Only available when playing 1.21.5
- Added Short dry grass
- Only available when playing 1.21.5
- Also added to the shearables category
- Added blue egg
- Only available when playing 1.21.5
- Mutually exclusive with other egg items
- Shares probability with normal egg
- Added bush
- Only available when playing 1.21.5
- Mutually exclusive with other shearable items
- Replaced pale moss block with pale moss carpet
- This is to make it easier to distinguish from tuff and other gray blocks
- Replaced moss carpet with moss block
- Cannot be found in mangrove swamps, and only shipwreck food chests and lush caves
- Made armadillos more likely in badlands in 1.21.5
- Badlands can now spawn some warm farm animal variations, were previously only armadillos could spawn
- This was adjusted the same way as savanna previously, meaning armadillos take up a bit over half the peaceful spawns in these biomes
- Worldgen is updated to match 1.21.5 when playing in this version
- Most notably, pale gardens spawn about twice as often now
Blind Mode -> Concealed Card
"Blind Mode" has been renamed to "Concealed Card". This is to diambiguate it with weekly "blind" seed challenges, which are played without knowing the card beforehand.
Technical changes
- Text components are no longer stringified
- Removed
item_test - Added
item_test - Category lists now support a mixed typed list
Text Components
In accordance with the 1.21.5 changes, text components are now in SNBT format and no longer stored as stringified JSON.
This affects all storages that stored text components before.
New item test that can bes specified in the item pool to check for an item component to exist
- Requires the item component to exist on this item, with any contents
- The item component idnegated
- Optional. When set totrue
, requires the component to not exist (same as previousfetchr:negated_component
Heterogeneously typed category lists
When registering items, category lists can now be heterogeneous in 1.21.5 (in 1.21.4, this would be an SNBT syntax error)
This means instead of specifying a compound with only an id and no weight, you can now always specify a string, even when there is another compound in the same list
For example, [ {id: "fetchr:pumpkin" }, {id: "fetchr:egg", weight: 2 } ]
now be written as [ "fetchr:pumpkin", {id: "fetchr:egg", weight: 2 } ]
Bug Fixes
- Fixed lockout mode automatically being disabled when playing with one team causing the colored card backgrounds of unlocked items to not show up properly
- Fixed error chat spam not showing up when playing in a version that's too old
5.2.2 is released to address yet another critical bug in 5.2.x that can cause entities to stay frozen when altering render distance before the game starts.
This version is fully compatible with 5.2 and 5.2.1, meaning you can keep the same server config and just replace the datapack without replacing the world.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed entities outside of render distance staying frozen when lowering render distance
5.2.1 is released to address a critical bug in 5.2 that could cause spawn points to be swapped and mangled after playing multiple runs. You are highly encouraged to update.
This version is fully compatible with 5.2, meaning you can keep the same server config and just replace the datapack without replacing the world.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed spawn marker not being cleared properly after a run, causing spawn points to be potentially swapped and messed up.
5.2 updates the map to 1.21, brings new items, and a few improvements
- The targeted Minecraft version is now 1.21-1.21.4
- Added new items and changed categories of existing items
- Worldgen Tweaks
- Armadillos are more common to generate in savanna biomes compared to vanilla
- Items taken from the game that include an inner inventory now return their
inventory to the player
- This includes bundles, shulker boxes and loaded crossbows
- Item get messages in chat now contain a tooltip with the exact item that was taken
- Improved category chest
- Improved big lobby & skybox card interaction
- Creepers and tnt no longer cause damage in the lobby
- Technical Improvements and better Performance
- Removed machinery as command blocks are no longer necessary
- Command blocks are no longer required to be enabled in a server environment
- Updated translations from Crowdin
- sorry this got corrupted
- dont worry about it
- possible characters are
[a-zA-Z0-9 .]
Item Changes
New category "Roots" with:
- Carrot
- Golden Carrot
- Carrot on a Stick
- Baked Potato
New "Armadillo" Category with:
- Armadillo Scute
- Wolf Armor
Pale Garden
New category "Pale Garden"
These items are only available when playing in 1.21.4
- Pale Moss Block
- Closed Eyeblossom
- Open Eyeblossom
- Pale Hanging Moss (also mutually exclusive with shear items)
- Resin Clump (also mutually exclusive with nighttime mob drops)
- Chiseled Resin Bricks (also mutually exclusive with nighttime mob drops)
- Creaking Heart (also mutually exclusive with nighttime mob drops)
Other new items
- Jungle Sapling as part of the jungle category
- White Stained Glass exclusive with glass bottle and orange concrete
- Brown Banner as part of the wool category
- Light Blue Bundle as part of the leather category
- This is only active in 1.21.2 or higher
- Added Poison arrow which splits its weight with slowness arrow
- Book items have been separated from the leather category and are no longer exclusive with item frames
- Tnt and Tnt Minecart are no longer exclusive with glass bottle and orange concrete
- Saplings are no longer mutually exclusive
- Mangrove propagule is exclusive with mud items
- spruce sapling is exclusive with sweet berries, fern and snow
- acacia is exclusive with cactus green, lime dye and sea pickle
- dark oak is exclusive with apple and golden apple
Removed Items
- Birch sapling
- Golden hoe, golden pickaxe
- Diamond shovel, diamod axe, diamond sword
The variety in gold and diamond tools was reduced to make blind runs need to craft fewer of them.
Lobby & Skybox
- The machinery is gone, as command blocks are no longer needed
- Removed the floating property in front of the big lobby & skybox card
- The reach to interact with item frames and other entities is now increased while in the lobby or skybox.
- Item chests in the lobby now show the global item weight.
- Item chests in the lobby now generate with scaffolding and make the room grow in height depending on the item pool (without pale garden items, the room is shorter, for example.)
Worldgen Tweaks
- Buried treasure is now more common like other structures
- This means map chests are now less likely to have no map
- Buried treasure will generally be closer to their map
- Pillager outposts now require less distance from villages
- Trial chambers are more common, just like other structures in Fetchr
- Creaking heart frequency in pale oak trees has been increased compared to vanilla from 10% to 35%
Technical Changes
- Overhauled item registration card generation and item detection with new Minecraft Features in Mind such as Macros
Item Registration
Item registration has been overhauled and existing forks that change the item pool will need to update to the new system.
has been removedclearCommand
has been removeddetectCommand
has been removedicon
is no longer a text component and instead the 4 digit hex code of the unicode character representing the item on the HUD bingo cardicon_font
specifies a own custom font to use for this item. Can be used to avoid conflicts in the vanilla Fetchr font files when maintaining forksactionbar
A list of 5 font definitions to use for the card displayed in the actionbar. Each definition is for a different row on the Bingo card and needs to have the corresponding ascend value set. Reference the vanilla Fetchr assets.
New property for the translation key of the itemitem_tests
Optional. Can be used for custom item tests.type
see blow- Type specific fields (see below)
Item Tests
Item tests can be used to further specify an item or override default behavior.
By default, any item in the item
field will match, including any defined
If item_tests
is specified the components of the item definition will be
ignored for testing purposes and only be used to construct a display item
for the item frame card or the category chests.
A component the item must have exactly like specified.id
The data component idcomponent
The component value
A component the item must not haveid
The data component id
An item sub predicate that must succeed for the itemid
The item sub predicate typepredicate
The predicate data
At runtime, this will be parsed together with the item id into a command item argument.
For example this definition would leather boots with a blue shaper trim which is not shown in the tooltip and a custom lore text whenever it is displayed, and any leather boots that have any kind of blue trim would match:
item: {
id: "minecraft:leather_boots",
components: {
"minecraft:trim": {
pattern: "minecraft:shaper",
material: "minecraft:lapis",
show_in_tooltip: false
"minecraft:lore": [
'{"translate": "item.minecraft.smithing_template.upgrade", "color": "gray", "italic": false}',
'[" ", {"translate": "fetchr.item.description.any_trim", "color": "#406d95", "italic": false}]',
'[" ", {"translate": "trim_material.minecraft.lapis", "color": "#406d95", "italic": false}]'
item_tests: [
type: "fetchr:predicate",
id: "minecraft:trim",
predicate: {material: "minecraft:lapis" }
When testing the item id together with the specified item tests would check for
Renamed properties in storages
Properties in the item storage and the card storage have been renamed to follow
Item Detection & Performance
The machinery room is obsolete now and has been removed. Item detection has been fully implemented using macros and no longer needs any command blocks.
This should improve the performance quite significantly, as running command blocks every tick was quite expensive.
Item detection now only runs for a player who had a change to their inventory and does not have any active checks that run every tick anymore.
Command blocks are also more expensive because they parse their command every time they are executed anew while functions are pre-parsed. Macro lines still may need to be parsed more often, but because of macro caching, they will only need to be re-parsed when a new card with different items is generated. The cache only caches up to 8 unique combinations of arguments per function file which means some functions have been duplicated to take advantage of the cache for 25 items. There will still be a small performance overhead for cache lookup.
Card Generation
Card generation also could be simplified using macros. Furthermore, there is no
custom random number generator in place anymore, and instead the built-in
command is used.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Green Dye having the wrong internal id of
(#236) - Fixed spawning inside leaves in some spawn points
- Fixed vines not getting replaced by drop chute
- Fixed old skybox remaining when generating new card
- This would lead to a black box hovering underneath the spawn point when re-generating a card with the same seed again.
This is the third release candidate fixing two more issues.
- Scaffolding in the lobby is now not re-generated when the bottom-most scaffolding is broken
Bug Fixes
- Fixed built script not generating translation override for "Fetchr Fx" sound category for all languages correctly (if no explicit translation is provided for that language)
- Fixed Lobby scaffolding not regenerating correctly and drop scaffolding blocks on reload if broken (#254)
This is the second release candidate for 5.2 fixing two bugs that have been discovered in rc1.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed items in offhand being detected but not cleared, allowing to reuse items after they have been registered on the card.
- Fixed spawn point not being set correctly in the lobby under rare circumstances.
This is the first release candidate for 5.2. 5.1.4 has been re-branded as 5.2 as the release became a bit bigger than initially anticipated.
- The room with the category chests in the lobby now grows in height dynmaically depending on the needed amount of space
- Creepers and tnt no longer cause damage in the lobby
- Updated translator credits
- Updated pack and workd icons to reflect item changes
- sorry this got corrupted
- dont worry about it
- possible characters are
[a-zA-Z0-9 .]
Bug Fixes
- Fixed lockout mode not showing team colors on the HUD card when a team got an item
- Fixed category chests in lobby penetrating the ceiling
- Fixed spawning inside leaves in some spawn points
- Fixed vines not getting replaced by drop chute
- Fixed interaction range not getting reset when joining the game as a spectator after it already started
- Fixed old skybox remaining when generating new card
- This would lead to a black box hovering underneath the spawn point when re- generating a card with the same seed again.
This pre-release brings full 1.21.x compatiblity, and some pale garden rebalancing
- The map is now compatible with all versions starting from 1.21 and up to 1.21.4-rc3
- Increased creaking heart frequency in pale oak trees from 10% to 35%
- All resin-related items are now mutually exclusive with other hard night-time mob drops
- Added two new items from the pale garden
Pale Garden items
These items are only available when playing in 1.21.4
- All resin-related items are now mutually exclusive with other hard night-time mob drops
- Added pale hanging moss to categories pale garden and shearables
- Added pale moss block to the pale garden category
Bug Fixes
- Fixed map failing to load in 1.21 and 1.21.1 (#248)
Pre Release 3 is here to fix one bug from pre2.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Chiseled Resin Bricks and Creaking Heart using the wrong icon on the HUD card
This pre-release adds compatability with 1.21.4-pre1, adds pale garden items, and includes some small tweaks
- The map is now compatible with up to 1.21.4-pre1
- When playing in 1.21.4, items from the pale garden are now available
- Items taken from the game that include an inner inventory now return their inventory to the player
- Item get messages in chat now contain a tooltip with the exact item that was taken
- Improved the big preview card in the lobby and skybox
- Bug fixes
Pale Garden items
These items are only available when playing in any 1.21.4 snapshot or pre-release
- Closed Eyeblossom
- Open Eyeblossom
- Resin Clump
- Chiseled Resin Bricks
- Creaking Heart
Improved item get handling
The map is now aware of the exact item that matches in the player's inventory.
The tooltip in chat messages now shows the exact item that was obtained. For example, an enchanted book will now list the enchantments that the specific book which has been obtained had.
Items that can have an inventory like bundles or shulkers now will return their inventory to the player, when obtaining them
Lobby & Skybox card
There is no longer an area were the player floats in front of the card.
Instead, players now have extended entity interaction range, allowing the player to interact with the card from far away.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed rarity color no longer being shown in item get messages
- Fixed item tooltip missing from item get messages in 5.1.4 versions
A small pre-release with some fixes, tweaks and a new item!
A small omission from the beta 1 changelog:
- Item chests in the lobby now show the global item weight.
- Added Poison arrow which splits its weight with slowness arrow now
- Command blocks are no longer required to be enabled in a server enviornment
- Burried treasure is now more common like other structures
- This means map chests are now less likely to have no map
- Burried treasure will generally be closer to their map
- Trial chambers are now more common like other structures
- Pillager outposts now require less distance from villages
- Armadillos are now more common to generate in savanna biomes
- Bug fixes
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Command Blocks being disabled still causing a warning despite them no longer being needed
- Fixed world showing an additional warning when attempting to open it in 1.21 or 1.21.1
- Fixed "Reveal Bingo Card" in blind mode breaking the hud and not showing any items (#240)
- Fixed skybox having a visible white glass floor in versions prior to 1.21.2 (#242)
- Fixed items being detected from players in the lobby (#243)
- Fixed item get message showing an outdated item count (#244)
- Fixed trial chambers not being more frequent like other structures (#245)
5.1.4 will be a feature-wise small release which updates the game to 1.21 with some technical improvements taking advantage of new Minecraft features, and of course new items.
- The targeted Minecraft version is now 1.21-1.21.2-pre5
- Added new items and changed categories of existing items
- Technical Improvements and better Performance
- Removed machinery as command blocks are no longer neccesary
- Updated translations from Crowdin
Item Changes
New category "Roots" with:
- Carrot
- Golden Carrot
- Carrot on a Stick
- Baked Potato
New "Armadillo" Category with:
- Armadillo Scute
- Wolf Armor
Other new items
- Jungle Sapling as part of the jungle category
- White Stained Glass exclusive with glass bottle and orange concrete
- Brown Banner as part of the wool category
- Light Blue Bundle as part of the leather category
- This is only active in 1.21.2 (or specifically in any version greater than or equal 24w39a). Earlier versions will not use this item
- Book items have been separated from the leather category and are no longer exclusive with item frames
- Tnt and Tnt Minecart are no longer exclusive with glass bottle and orange concrete
- Saplings are no longer mutually exclusive
- Mangrove propagule is exclusive with mud items
- spruce sapling is exclusive with sweet berries, fern and snow
- acacial is exclusive with cactus green, lime dye and sea pickle
- dark oak is exclusive with apple and golden apple
Removed Items
- Birch sapling
- Golden hoe, golden pickaxe
- Diamond shovel, diamod axe, diamond sword
The variety in gold and diamond tools was reduced to make blind runs need to craft fewer of them.
Technical Changess
- Overhauled item registration card generation and item detecion with new Minecraft Features in Mind such as Macros
Item Registration
Item registration has been overhauled and existing forks that change the item pool will need to update to the new system.
has been removedclearCommand
has been removeddetectCommand
has been removedicon
is no longer a text component and instead the 4 digit hex code of the unicode character representing the item on the HUD bingo cardicon_font
specifies a own custom font to use for this item. Can be used to avoid conflicts in the vanilla fetchr font files when maintaining forksactionbar
A list of 5 font definitions to use for the card displayed in the actionbar. Each definition is for a different row on the Bingo card and needs to have the corresponding ascend value set. Reference the vanilla Fetchr assets.
New property for the translation key of the itemitem_tests
Optional. Can be used for custom item tests.type
see blow- Type specific fields (see below)
Item Tests
Item tests can be used to further specify an item or override default behavior.
By default, any item in the item
field will match, including any defined
If item_tests
is specified the components of the item definition will be
ignored for testing purposes and only be used to construct a display item
for the item frame card or the category chests.
A component the item must have exactly like specified.id
The data component idcomponent
The component value
A component the item must not haveid
The data compontent id
An item sub predicate that must succeed for the itemid
The item sub predicate typepredicate
The predicate data
At runtime, this will be parsed together with the item id into a command item argument.
For example this definition would leather boots with a blue shaper trim which is not shown in the tooltup and a custom lore text whenever it is displayed, and any leather boots that have any kind of blue trim would match:
item: {
id: "minecraft:leather_boots",
components: {
"minecraft:trim": {
pattern: "minecraft:shaper",
material: "minecraft:lapis",
show_in_tooltip: false
"minecraft:lore": [
'{"translate": "item.minecraft.smithing_template.upgrade", "color": "gray", "italic": false}',
'[" ", {"translate": "fetchr.item.description.any_trim", "color": "#406d95", "italic": false}]',
'[" ", {"translate": "trim_material.minecraft.lapis", "color": "#406d95", "italic": false}]'
item_tests: [
type: "fetchr:predicate",
id: "minecraft:trim",
predicate: {material: "minecraft:lapis" }
When testing the item id together with the specified item tests would check for
Item Detection & Performance
The machinery room is obsolete now and has been removed. Item detection has been fully implemented using macros and no longer needs any command blocks.
This should improve the performance quite significantly, as running command blocks every tick was quite expensive.
Item detection now only runs for a player who had a change to their inventory and does not have any active checks that run every tick anymore.
Command blocks are also more expensive because they parse their command everytime they are executed anew while functions are pre-parsed. Macro lines still may need to be parsed more often, but because of macro caching, they will only need to be re-parsed when a new card with different items is generated. The cache only caches up to 8 unique combinations of arguments per function file which means some functions have been duplicated to take advantage of the cache for 25 items. There will still be a small performance overhead for cache lookup.
Card Generation
Card generation also could be simplified using macros. Furthermore, there is no
custom random number generator in place anymore, and instead the built-in
command is used.
Bug Fix
- Fixed Green Dye having the wrong internal id of
5.1.3 fixes a critical overlooked bug in 5.1.2 causing a game to not start properly in 1.20.5 when standing close to the big skybox card when starting the game
- Fixed players keeping no gravity when standing close to the skybox card when starting the game, preventing them from falling and the countdown from starting
- Fixed /trigger fetchr.lobby being disfunctional during the game initialization phase
- Improved overlay generation to give the game a unique file override per Minecraft version
This release brings some quality of life improvements, bugfixes, and 1.20.5 support
- Added support for 1.20.5
- Added points scoreboard on the right (1.20.3+ only)
- Added points race goal
- Added option to join as spectator during game
- Added an error message when attempting to run in an unknown future version
- Added an error message when running on Spigot or Paper
Points scoreboard
During the game, the points of each team are now shown on the right
The own team shows up in bold.
This feature is only available from Minecraft versions 1.20.3 and onward and is disabled in earlier 1.20 versions.
Points Race
The points race is a new mode, where you set a certain cut-off time and when that time is over, the team(s) with the highest score win. It can be a nice balance when you don't like going for all items in a potentially very long run, but also consider a Bingo too fast.
This also helps for keeping track of the 25 minute challenge in weekly seeds.
- Added Korean Translations by 쪼상 (wx2htkd)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed spawning over flowing lava leading to a potential death loop (#210)
- Fixed fire spreading during the skybox phase
- Fixed spawning in powdered snow without a save block
- Fixed card frames sometimes starting to pop off in the skybox
- Fixed a sign in the lobby sometimes popping off when relogging.
- Fixed some /trigger commands not getting deactivated when joining the skybox or joining the game late as a spectator
This is the second release candidate for 5.1.2.
The only change in this version is that all of last week's 1.20.5 pre-release versions are marked as compatible with the map.
This allows people to check that nothing broke in the last view Minecraft pre-releases.
- Marked data pack format 40 and 41 as supported
This is the first (and hopefully only) Release Candidate for 5.1.2, bringing some bug fixes and updated translator credits.
- Updated Translator Credits
- Removed some blank lines from translator credit signs
- Removed hacky 5th line on some translator credit signs
- Translator credits are now ordered by number of contributions if there are multiple contributors for a language
- Simplified blue leather boots check in 1.20.5 snapshots (using 1.20.5-pre1 features)
- Player heads now load based on the player UUID when using 1.20.5, so they will continue working even after username changes
Bug Fixes
- Fixed datapack not loading due to worldgen changes in 24w13a and later (#219)
- Fixed new points race goal announcing an arbitrary team as winner (#223)
- Fixed Powdered snow not being replaced by a save block properly (#221)
- Fixed Team selection buttons don't work in 1.20.5 snapshots (#220)
- Fixed player heads not loading in 1.20.5 snapshot
- Fixed some /trigger commands not getting deactivated when joining the skybox or joining the game late as a spectator
- Fixed Item Frame using an outdated texture in HUD card (#222)
This is the first pre-release for version 5.1.2. This version is compatible with 1.20.5 snapshots (until 24w12a, 24w13a is not supported yet) and brings some additional bug fixes and quality of live improvements
- Added support for 1.20.5
- Known issue: player heads do not load their skins in the current snapshot
- 24w13a does not load
- Added points scoreboard on the right (1.20.3+ only)
- Added points race goal
- Added option to join as spectator during game
- Added an error message when attempting to run in an unknown future version
- Added an error message when running on Spigot or Paper
Points scoreboard
During the game, the points of each team are now shown on the right
The own team shows up in bold.
This feature is only available from Minecraft versions 1.20.3 and onward and is disabled in earlier 1.20 versions.
Points Race
The points race is a new mode, where you set a certain cut-off time and when that time is over, the team(s) with the highest score win. It can be a nice balance when you don't like going for all items in a potentially very long run, but also consider a Bingo too fast.
This also helps for keeping track of the 25 minute challenge in weekly seeds.
- Added Korean Translations by 쪼상 (wx2htkd)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed spawning over flowing lava leading to a potential death loop (#210)
- Fixed fire spreading during the skybox phase
- Fixed spawning in powdered snow without a save block
- Fixed card frames sometimes starting to pop off in the skybox
- Fixed a sign in the lobby sometimes popping off when relogging.
This release reverts an accidental change in the release causing the red team to always be registered.
This version updates to Minecraft 1.20.2 and comes with new game modes, a new skybox, and a lot of other changes. server.properties file
- Updated to 1.20
- Added Blind Mode
- Added Lockout Mode
- Added timer options
- Added terrain preview and extended skybox to give the player a spawn preview as soon as possible
- Updated lobby tutorial
- Added separate multiplayer settings room
- Removed team controls from the lobby
- Tweaked worldgen to be more balanced
- Updated item pool
- Spawn points can now only generate in a radius of 25 million blocks (down from ~30 million)
- Better multiplayer game controls
- Improved terrain pre-generation
- Removed emerald detection
- All loot sequences are now deterministic, meaning everyone playing the same seed will have the same drop rates for mob drops, or random block drops (e.g. flint)
- Slightly reduced brightness in caves compared to 5.0
- Quality of life changes
- Added new translations
- Added separate build for Minecraft Realms
- Technical changes
Blind Mode
In blind mode, you cannot see the items on the card until any team obtained the item.
When active, the Bingo card looks blank initially.
Knowing which items are mutually exclusive will help when playing this mode (see category chests)
When playing blind mode, you can give up by revealing the card (and continue getting what you missed if you want to)
Lockout Mode
In lockout mode, each item can only be unlocked by one team, locking out all other teams from obtaining the same item.
This also comes with a special goal which is announced when a team has obtained more items than any other team still can at that point. It is possible for multiple teams to have the same amount of items with no item still being available, in which case all teams which share that item amount are announced as winners.
In this mode, the Bingo card will highlight the entire square in the team color just like with a single team.
Lockout mode is not available in single player.
The timer will now pause when you pause the game. There is a setting to count paused time again enables the same behavior as previous versions.
Additionally, an option for using in-game time has been added. The default is still real time as before.
When using in game time, the counted time progresses as the in-game day progresses. This means, a Minecraft day is always assumed to last exactly 20 minutes, regardless of lag.
In a competitive scenario, players who experience lag may be at a disadvantage, as it takes longer for night time to arrive, or furnaces to smelt, and exploring might also be harder if chunks don't load properly.
When using in game time, players who experience lag might be at an advantage however, when they stay in a small area, as they can run through caves quicker with less time being counted.
As soon as the game is ready, you will see a preview of the spawn point now. On multiplayer servers only the player who generated the card automatically joins, other players need to join.
Only players who have joined will participate.
For manually joining, the sign which was previously used for starting the game has been swapped for a "join game" sign.
When joining, players are now assigned a random team, printing a message when joining.
The relative position from the lobby compared to the big lobby card is kept.
Items marked on the lobby card by left and right click are copied to the skybox when a player enters the skybox while no other player is there yet.
Rejecting a Card / Spawnpoint
The skybox contains a "Generate Random Card" sign to reject the card and get a new seed, just like when generating from the lobby. When this is done, the old skybox is encased in black blocks until the new spawnpoint is ready, and players are teleported over.
Worldgen Changes
Worldgen has been updated for 1.20 and is based on the vanilla biome layout now.
Biome layout
In contrast to version 5.0, it is now possible to use the vanilla biome layout. This means, that biomes are placed exactly like in normal Minecraft, only their size has been reduced.
The width of beaches has been slightly increased compared to what it usually would be with tiny biomes.
Mineshafts are now included in worldgen again.
All structures generate with higher frequency compared to vanilla now, and dungeons generate less commonly compared to 5.0, with the same frequency increase as other structures.
Item Changes
Removed items
- Saddle
- Nametag
Lush cave
- Spore Blossom
- Flowering Azalea
- Moss Carpet
- Rooted Dirt
- Hanging roots
- Glow Berries
- Axolotl Bucket
- Big Dripleaf
Lush caves can be found either by finding an azalea tree, or in general in the center of a bigger moist biome (i.e. taiga, dark forest, (non-sparse) jungle; or less-commonly windswept forest or wooded badlands)
Dripstone cave
- Pointed Dripstone
- Dripstone Block
Dripstone caves can be found very in-land (far away from oceans), i.e. in the center of a land mass
- Raw Copper Block
- Copper Block
- Exposed Cut Copper
- Brush
Exposed copper needs to be placed for some time to change its state. In case it oxidizes too much, it can be turned back by one state at a time using an axe.
It is beneficial to place more blocks at once with a distance of at least 4 blocks taxicap. With a stonecutter, you get 4 cut copper blocks per 9 copper ingots.
- Deepslate
- Cracked Deepslate Bricks
- Deepslate Tile Wall
- Tuff
Deepslate can be found below around y 0. Mining deeplsate gives cobbled deepslate, cooking it in a furnace gives the normal deeplsate block.
Tuff can be found as blobs in the deepslate layer.
- Packed Mud
- Muddy Mangrove Roots
- Mud Bricks
Mud can be found in mangrove biomes, or gotten from regular dirt using a water bottle. Packing requires a single wheat (so the bricks require 4 wheat total). The muddy roots can only be found in a mangrove swanp directly.
Amethyst items
- Amethyst Shard
- Spyglass
- Amethyst Block
- Calcite
Amethyst needs a geode to be found. Geodes are generated with higher frequency, like structures. It is usually easier to find them in the ocean, especially when there is an aquifier.
Calcite can also be found in stoney peaks.
Glow ink
- Glow ink sac
- Glow item frame (also mutually exclusive with regular item frame)
Glow ink can be gotten from glow squids who spawn in dark water basins. The glow item frame is also mutually exclusive with other leather-related items
Cherry items
- Cherry Chest Boat
- Pink Petals
- Cherry Sapling
Cherry Blossom is a new mountain biome. These items can be found there.
Additions to existing categories
- Raw Gold Block (mutually exclusive with other gold items; and magma block)
- Raw Iron Block (mutually exclusive with basic iron items (iron block, cauldron, stonecutter and acacia hanging sign))
- Mangrove Propagule (mutually exclusive with other saplings)
- Glow Lichen (mutually exclusive with other shearables like fern, dead bush, ...)
- Blue Trimmed Leather Boots (mutually exclusive with heart of the sea and emerald)
- Hanging Acacia Sign (mutually exclusive with basic iron items (raw iron block, iron block, cauldron, stonecutter))
- Dried Kelp (mutually exclusive with dried kelp block)
Item Changes
- Enchanted book is now mutually exclusive with diamond items
- Stonecutter and dried kelp block are now no longer mutually exclusive
- Stonecutter is now mutually exclusive with other "basic iron" items (Acacia Hanging Sign, Raw Iron Block, Iron Block, Cauldron)
- Added new kelp category with dried kelp and dried kelp block
- Piston and sticky piston are no longer mutually exclusive with redstone block and repeater
- Renamed "Common Burried Treasure Loot" to "Shipwreck Loot"
Lobby Changes
- Removed team selection in favor of the team selection in the skybox.
- Players have no longer a team in the lobby by default.
- The lobby has now a special area for some multiplayer settings that is only accessible in multiplayer.
- The mocked skybox has now been updated to a miniature version of the new skybox with some miniature terrain
Multiplayer Controls
The multiplayer "strict mode" sign was split into "operator-only" and "lobby gamemode" controls for more intuitiveness. In oprator-only, only operators will be able to interact with game controls like starting a game, revealing a card in blind mode, etc. The lobby gamemode controls whether players are in adventure or survival mode.
New options for disallowing spectator mode and hiding the seed from all players until the end of the game have been added. This does not affect the existing preference setting to hide the seed until the end of the game. This can prevent some forms of cheating if you do not trust your players. The default is still spectator mode enabled and seed shown.
There is also a success message being printed now for players successfully confirming their operator status. In case the confirmation fails, just the standard Minecraft "You do not have permissions to run this command" is still shown as before.
Most multiplayer controls are in an entirely separate area now which is not accessible in single player.
- Removed "Used Tools" section
- Added "Special Thanks" section (including toolmakers)
- Moved Alpha testers to the front
- Moved translators to the back
- Removed credits for AmberW's negative space font as it is no longer used
Pre-generation Changes
Pre-generation now only generates a minimal amount of chunks by default. This means you have to wait less time to start a game.
In multiplayer, there are options now to pre-generate a certain radius of chunks for lag reduction purposes.
After pre-generation has generated the minimal area, all entities that were not present during generation are killed periodically every 3 seconds.
Pre-generation has a limit now on the amount of chunks that can be generated ahead of fully loaded chunks
Quality of Life Changes
- Added error message in place of custom HUD when resource pack is not enabled
- Added better announcement for goals and sound when enemy team completes a goal
Better Goal Announcements
Whenever any team completes a blackout, 20-No-Bingo, or wins the lockout race, a title announcement is now shown to all players, making it more obvious. This also comes with a sound effect.
Bingo is not announced that way for now and does not cause a sound effect.
Added new translations
- Chinese (simplified) -- Thanks to 雨夢 YoMon and Sora
- Spanish -- Thanks to Alvaro Orrego and HolaSoyElmo
Technical Changes
Reduced available terrain / Timer now uses global world border
The timer is implemented using the world border, since it uses real time.
In previous versions of Minecraft, there was a (buggy) world-border per dimension, which would reset when re-loading the world. While the game was running, it was still possible to use it for timing tho. In previous versions, the world border of the lobby dimension was used, which meant the complete world with radius 30 million was available in the dimension where you played the game,
Now, the world border of the game world is always something between +-25 million and 27.5 million blocks out (compared to +-30 million). Because of this, spawn points are slightly closer together now.
Switched Source License to MIT
Basically, you can do anything now as long as you provide attribution.
- Replaced area effect clouds with markers
- Changed approach to setting signs in the lobby
- Changed namespace from "bingo" to "fetchr"
- Removed periodic clearing of the tmp scoreboard
Realms Build
- Resource pack check is always skipped
- Always behaves like in multiplayer
- Uses survival mode in the lobby like singleplayer
- Doesn't include multiplayer advanced settings
- Fixed a bug in how random numbers in the seeded generator where created
- Fixed strict mode sign sometimes appearing in single player
- Fixed entities right at the spawn block suffocating at the game start (#202)
- Fixed items being possible to be picked up before the game starts (and then being cleared) (#203)
- Fixed category chests not generating when first opening the world
- Fixed command block enabled check not working properly in some server environments (mainly Spigot/Paper, those are still not supported, tho it looks like 1.20 versions mostly work)
This is a third release candidate fixing 3 bugs.
- In the initial part of the skybox phase, entities that were not part of generation are only killed now once the minimal spawn point area is generated. This is to fix the first listed bug.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed entities that are part of generation being sometimes killed before they could be processed.
- Fixed leftover debug say hi when marking an item frame green
- Fixed HUD messing up when card is on the right with space for the attack indicator