Adds various recipes to items and blocks with missing ones, like saddles and chainmail
2 iron nuggets, 2 iron ingots
3 iron ingots, 4 iron nuggets
9 string
3 sticks, 4 cobblestone walls, 1 gold block, 1 gold nugget
4 sticks
4 brown mushrooms
3 leather, 2 string
1 cobweb (to 9 string)
5 gold, 1 leather
4 red mushrooms
(extra recipe alongside vanilla) smelt rotten flesh into leather
1 paper, 1 sign, 1 iron ingot
1 iron ingot, 4 iron nuggets
4 iron ingots, 4 iron nuggets
5 iron, 1 leather
5 diamonds, 1 leather
6 leather