- Overhauled regular Swamp
- Greatly increased foliage density
- Added huge mushrooms from the Dark Forest
- Added mud & water patches
- Updated base biomes to 1.21.4
- Added Cornflowers in regular Taiga
- Fixed Swamp oaks spawning on top of other trees
- Cleaned up some unused code
- Updated to 1.21.4
- Added patches of Moss blocks & Sandstone to the Warm Ocean
- Slightly toned down color of Warm Ocean
- Should have increased ocean life spawn rate
- Fixed regular swamp crashing the world.
- Added extra tall grass to the Plains biomes.
- Added additional foliage to Jungle biomes
- Updated pack description to display supported versions
- Updated pack icon
- Fixed logspam when generating trees
- Fixed incorrect block id in custom grass patch features
- Added rare small leafless trees to regular Badlands
- Added Oak tree enhancement
- Applies to all uses of Oak trees
- Added additional foliage to Forest
Initial version
This replaces all Birch trees in the world.
Biomes done:
- Old Growth/Birch Forest