-Updated the datapack to work on Minecraft 1.21
-ANBL now supports Minecraft 1.21 (Datapack and forge are gonna release later today-tommorow)
This is the first neoforge version of the ANBL Mod
The first Datapack Version (Use this for a Server)
Changed some Settings for ores
The first Version for Fabric
-The Mod is now compatible with my Dimension shift Mod
oops forgot to change the default logo
Nether generation expanded from -1024 to 1024 on the Y-coordinate. The End generation now spans from 0 to 1024 on the Y-coordinate for improved performance and safety. (i didn't make the end -1024 to 1024 because on -64 is lava if you set the y build limit to -1024 to 1024 it's probally the death barrier)
First Version