A pressure-powered war-machine left to wander the nether as the sole survivor of the ancient Ochre Kingdom. Although war and demolition were its intended purposes, the Ochre Crown's abilities also make it incredibly effective at mining.

Overwhelmingly powerful in the right hands, yet just as punishing. You are going to die, a lot, but at least you'll feel cool when you don't.

Probably the nastiest possible way to feel like an allomancer.
This origin is equal parts movement and combat, and has quite a high skill ceiling. It can be devastating in battle for those who understand how to effectively use it.

A primal reimagining of vampirism focused on the process of hunting and stalking, as opposed to being an immortal tank. Includes three different variants, each focused on a different aspect of the hunt. The wild things, however, hunt best in packs...

A skill-based brawler that can be wildly overpowered if you can maintain perfect rhythm, but extremely punishing if not.

An origin focused on growing and controlling roots, capable of making rapid tunnel networks and root-powered mechanisms.