- amethyst_block
- budding_amethyst
- small_amethyst_bud
- medium_amethyst_bud
- large_amethyst_bud
- amethyst_cluster
- acacia_door
- acacia_trapdoor
- birch_door
- birch_trapdoor
- dark_oak_door
- dark_oak_trapdoor
- iron_door
- iron_trapdoor
- jungle_door
- jungle_trapdoor
- mangrove_door
- mangrove_trapdoor
- oak_door
- oak_trapdoor
- spruce_door
- spruce_trapdoor
- Removed Azalea Side texture to reduce atlas size.
- Added custom model for quartz to reduce atlas size by using the same quartz texture for each side.
- Pumpkin side now connects to the top of the texture accurately
- Melon side now connects to the top of the texture accurately
- Hay_bale side now connects to the top of the texture accurately
- Fixed seems between mossy and normal cobblestone.
- Fixed dark edges of mangrove_root.
- Fixed seams on Glass when using any shader not made by Rre36.
- Updated anvil texture.
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ReleaseVersion number
11Game versions
1331Publication date
January 23, 2023 at 9:48 AMPublisher
