
Pixelmon adds many aspects of the Pokémon into Minecraft, including the Pokémon themselves, battling, trading, and breeding. Pixelmon also includes an assortment of new items, including prominent items like Poké Balls and TMs, new resources like bauxite ore and Apricorns, and new decorative blocks like chairs and clocks.
World Generation
- Added new Research and Assignment feature.
- Added Research triggers.
- Added Research toasts on progress and completion.
- Added new screen for Research, as an inventory tab.
- Added internal GUI API.
- Added FXAA GUI shader.
- Added continuous bell curve for Pokémon sizes (growths).
- Added naturally spawning, rare, large or small Pokémon.
- Added the
Pokémon spec. - Added healthbar below sprite in PC when a Pokémon is not a full HP.
- Added grey overlay when a fainted Pokémon is in PC.
- Added Professor Wisteria to Research, who will accompany players as they progress in their tasks.
- Added Bombirdier.
- Added Gimmighoul.
- Added Gholdengo.
- Added Wattrel.
- Added Kilowattrel.
- Added Rabsca.
- Added Rellor.
- Added Squakabilly.
- Added Klawf.
- Added Great Tusk.
- Added Iron Hands.
- Added Iron Treads.
- Added Iron Bundle.
- Added Sandy Shocks.
Cosmetic Palettes:
- Added spirit Iron Valiant.
Moves, Battle Items and Abilities:
- Added Ability Shield item.
- Added TM171-TM223 for all existing moves.
- Added new battle tests.
- Added Ultra Elm Chest Boat, Ultra Ginkgo Chest Boat, Ultra Jungle Chest Boat, Blue Berry Wood Chest Boat, Green Berry Wood Chest Boat, Pink Berry Wood Chest Boat, Purple Berry Wood Chest Boat, Red Berry Wood Chest Boat and Yellow Berry Wood Chest Boat.
- Added Gimmighoul Coin.
- Added new voices: Alomomola, Bunnelby, Cacnea, Cacturne, Castform, Cherubi, Comfey, Dedenne, Diancie, Flabebe, Floette, Florges, Furfrou, Gothita, Gothorita, Gothitelle, Inkay, Luvdisc, Mandibuzz, Maushold, Mawile, Morpeko, Ogerpon, Pyukumuku, Roselia, Salandit, Salazzle, Sandy Shocks, Shieldon, Shuckle, Sinistcha, Sinistea, Slurpuff, Smeargle, Snorunt, Swirlix, Swoobat, Tandemaus, Togedemaru, Vanillish, Vanillite, Vanilluxe, Vullaby, Wishiwashi, Woobat, Zigzagoon, Fezandipti, Boltund, Eldegoss, Enamorus, Greavard, Mr. Rime, Natu, Okidogi, Pincurchin, Rabsca, Rellor, Spidops, Tarountula and Xatu.
- Updated voices: Guzzlord, Kyogre, Deerling, Flamigo, Gardevoir, Hoppip, Kirlia, Shinx, Shroomish, Shaymin, Sunflora, Sunkern, Zigzagoon, Zorua, Cetoddle, Charcadet, Tinkatink, Bonsly and Tinkatuff.
- Added meteorite.
- Added Growths as a datapack registry.
- Each Pokémon JSON now has a "mean" and a "standard deviation" defining the distribution of their size.
- Added datapack abilities for additional Size categories (growth).
- Updated all species to include
in forms. - Added recipes for Pixelmon Chest Boats.
- Added Recipe Book advancement for Pixelmon Chest Boats.
- Renamed
tag. - Added the
tag. - Added new interaction events: pixelmon:npc_engage, pixelmon:on_cooldown, pixelmon:set_cooldown, pixelmon:context_player, pixelmon:win_battle, pixelmon:lose_battle, pixelmon:draw_battle, pixelmon:can_battle and pixelmon:defeat_trainer.
- Added new interaction results: pixelmon:unlock_dynamax, pixelmon:close_screen, pixelmon:open_professor_dialogue, pixelmon:unlock_mega_evolution and pixelmon:delay_result.
- Added several blocks and block tags to the
tag so they can be mined faster with axes. - Added new block tags for Pixelmon furniture and Berry Wood blocks.
- Added 100-500 Gimmighoul Coins as a guaranteed drop to Gholdengo.
- Updated evolution conditions for Magneton, Qwilfish, Nosepass, Charjabug and Crawbrawler.
- Added collection-style UI widget with ability to set sprites for a resource and offset item position.
- Added sprite colouring in Research tasks.
- Added Professor Wisteria to research updates.
- Added Mega Evolution research.
- Added Dynamax research.
- Added capture Pokémon type research.
- Added craft type research.
- Added defeat boss type research.
- Added enter dimension type research.
- Added evolve type research.
- Added harvest type research.
- Added hatch type research.
- Added active item type research.
- Added level up type research.
- Added mine type research.
- Added spin Pokéstop type research.
- Added defeat Raid type research.
- Added find structure type research.
- Added seasonal research: Christmas, Pixelmon's Birthday, New Year and Valentine's Day.
- Updated Luvdisc fishing and spawn loot to remove unused items.
- Added Bombirdier to River, Lakes, and Beaches during the Day on Land and Air with an anticondition of Freezing biomes and Mountainous biomes rarely.
- Added Gimmighoul Chest form to Jungle Pyramids, Desert Pyramids, Haunted Towers, Graveyards, and Ruined Portals on Land, Indoors, and Underground at All Times.
- Added Gholdengo to Ultra Desert at All Times.
- Added Great Tusk to Small End Islands at All Times.
- Added Kilowattrel to Beaches with an anticondition of Freezing during the Day in the Air. Added chance to spawn with a group of Wattrel.
- Added Klawf to Stone Beach and Mesas on Land during the Day.
- Added Rabsca to Arid, Mesas, and Savannas on Land at All Times.
- Added Rellor to Arid, Mesas, and Savannas on Land at All Times.
- Added Sandy Shocks to Small End Islands at All Times.
- Added Squawkabilly to Jungles during the Day in the Air and on Tree Top. Added chance to spawn with a group of Squawkabilly. Some colors are rarer than others.
- Added Wattrel to Beaches with an anticondition of Freezing during the Day in the Air, Land, and Tree Top. Added chance to spawn with a group of Wattrel.
- Added Spirit palette Iron Valiant to Graveyards at Night on Land or Manmade.
- Added Iron Hands to Small End Islands on Land at All Times.
- Added Iron Treads to Small End Islands on Land at All Times.
- Updated old spawning NPCs to the new NPC system, including Chatting, Fisherman, Nurse Joy, Relearner, Shopkeeper, Trader, Trainer and Tutor.
- Added Rellor, Rabsca, Wattrel, Kilowattrel, Spidops, Tarountula, Bombirdier, Gimmighoul (chest), Great Tusk, Iron Treads, Sandy Shocks, Iron Hands, Brute Bonnet, Iron Jugulis, Iron Valiant, Iron Bundle, Roaring Moon, Squawkabilly, Finizen, Palafin, Maschiff, Mabosstiff, Farigiraf, Flamigo, Ting-Lu and Gholdengo to tiered, biome-specific raids.
- Added support for Alex' Caves spawning.
- Added support Biospherical Expansion spawning.
- Added support for Mystic's Biomes spawning.
- Removed old Quest system.
- Removed old Quest screens.
- Removed functionality of the old Quest Editor wand.
- Added summary TM section for Generation 9 moves.
- Added move description scrollbar for moves with long descriptions.
- Updated Heavy Ball catch mechanics to modern calculations.
- Updated Friend Balls to their Generation 8+ friendship boost.
- Updated the Poke Checker (summary screen) to display size and the growth sprite.
- Updated the PC screen to display size and the growth sprite.
- Updated the capture method to use Generation 8 mechanics.
- Updated pre-Growth rework Pokémon stored data to include a randomly assigned Size.
- Updated summary UI in PC by swapping a Pokémon's species name for its level.
- Removed megaring mechanic being unlocked via defeating a Mega Boss, replaced by Mega Evolution Research.
- Updated Pixelmon Rug colors to match wool textures.
- Updated Revenant to block Destiny Bond if it has at least one life left.
- Fixed a crash caused by the client attempting to update server details.
- Fixed the scrollbar on TM lists rendering strangely.
- Fixed Blank TMs failing to work with Klutz Pokémon.
- Fixed nature syncing curries not working properly.
- Fixed an instance where Black Sludge could deal damage for less than it should have.
- Fixed Poké Balls failing to receive catch penalties when capturing Ultra Beasts.
- Fixed Nest Balls catch formula.
- Fixed Lure Balls failing to boost properly Pokémon caught via Fishing Rod.
- Fixed Fishing Rod not applying the chance for a Fishing mark on catch.
- Fixed Fishing Rod-spawned Pokémon having Fishing-exclusive bonuses lost on flee and subsequent rebattle.
- Fixed the drop shadow of the nickname text in the PC being set to a dark gray color.
- 21384 Fixed Pokémon displaying move skills they should not have by improving code quality.
- 18939 Fixed Poke Displays breaking consistency of a stored Pokémon's form and palette.
- Fixed the Pixelmon Camera failing to take pictures.
- Fixed rendering of Mega Items.
- Fixed rendering of Sableye Hat, Frosslass robe and Yukata.
- 21311 Fixed an issue where using the Griseous Core to change Giratina's form to Origin would cause the form to be restored to Altered by other non-Griseous Orb held items.
- Fixed using a Porygon item while in creative consuming said item.
- Fixed using a Porygon item spawning on top of the player instead of on the position clicked.
- 22145 21985 Fixed Paldean Blank TMs disappearing upon completion.
- Fixed Bikes eating as if they are horses.
- Fixed the PC failing to open in rare cases upon first login or world creation.
- Fixed hover and pop-up information not clearing on release in PC.
- Fixed a rare crash caused by right-clicking on an empty Pokémon slot in inventory.
- Fixed a rare client crash caused by refreshing the multiplayer menu.
- Fixed Pokébags being allowed to leave a player's inventory if the container is open.
- Fixed shiny Hero Palafin sprite.
- Fixed shiny Revavroom sprite.
- 21238 Fixed Dudunsparce model and textures.
- Fixed Ultra Necrozma model.
- 19409 Fixed Solrock animation.
- 18571 Fixed Rocket Helmet's stray pixel in layer texture.
- Fixed shiny Iron Jugulis sprite.
- Fixed cosmetic textures not loading properly for the Witch hat, Articuno Wings and Valentine's Wings.
- Fixed Incinerate not being in the list of moves that can remove berries.
- Fixed Stuff Cheeks disabling improperly if the Pokémon that new Stuff Cheeks was not holding a berry.
- Fixed a bug where Pokémon afflicted by Corrosive Gas could use their items once again after they had switched out.
- Fixed a bug where it was possible to give a Pokémon a Rusted Sword or Shield via a move when Zacian or Zamazenta was on the field.
- Fixed Pokémon that stole a Life Orb with Thief not taking damage from the Life Orb at the end of the turn.
- Fixed G-Max Replenish incorrectly calculating the recovery of berries in allied battle.
- 21986 Fixed waiting bug when using Flee moves against a trainer's final Pokémon.
- Updated Traditional Chinese translation.
- Added ShrineOrbFillEvent.Pre/Post.
- Added LureActivateEvent.Pre/Post.
- Added BerryEvent.Pick.
- Added ResearchStartEvent.Pre/Post.
- Added ResearchStageCompleteEvent.
- Added ResearchDiscardEvent.Pre/Post.
- Added ResearchCompleteEvent.
- Added ProgressResearchStageEvent.Pre/Post.
- Added ProgressResearchObjectiveEvent.Pre/Post.
- Added ClaimResearchStageEvent.Pre/Post.
- Added ClaimResearchObjectiveEvent.Pre/Post.
- Added RegisterScreenStylesEvent.
- Added PlayerCakeEatEvent.
- Added PlayerCraftItemsEvent.
- Removed AbandonQuestEvent.
- Removed FinishQuestEvent.
- Removed NPCInserterEvent.
- Removed QuestActionEvent.
- Removed QuestObjectiveEvent.
- Removed QuestStageEvent.
- Added HeldItem.ignoresKlutz method to allow custom held items to be used by Klutz Pokémon.
- Added PixelmonGrowths registry class.
- Added PokemonBuilder#size.
- Removed PokemonBuilder#growth.
- Added Pokemon#getSize.
- Added Pokemon#setSize.
- Updated the functionality of Pokemon#setGrowth to pick a random number in the range of that growth's defined range.
- Removed CorrosiveGas status usage.
- Removed PlayerParticipant#getTeamPokemonList in favor of BattleParticipant#getTeamPokemon.
- Added placeholders to ContextKeys.
- Added PlaceholerCollectEvent, extending support for FPAPI and PAPI.
- Implemented placeholder support in certain InteractionConditions.
Pixelmon-1.20.2-9.2.10-universal.jar(327.37 MiB) Primary
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