Large Improvment to MixinSpawnerAnimals
Reduce optimizationsAndTweaks$getMaxNeighborLightValue overhead
Call findChunksForSpawning every 4 ticks instead of 1 (This reduce overall lags caused by mob spawning)
Add a mixin to "Fix Stack overflow crash when angelica is loaded by disabling some methods from GLDebug class from angelica"
Add a mixin to "Fix Invalid framebuffer operation (1286) caused by Hud Caching from angelica mod"
Add a mixin to "Fix Null Crash caused by onKeypress from ClientProxy in Angelica mod when some bad mods are installed"
Add a mixin to "Fix Null crash from the init method of DeepslateOreRegistry from Et Futurum Requiem when some bad mods are installed"
Fix ArithmeticException by zero crash in MixinTextureUtil
Fix crash caused by func_151241_e visibility
Big Bugfixes to MixinSpawnerAnimals
Removing MixinBlockFluidBase to prevent class not found error from some mods like buildcraft , tconstruct,minefactory reloaded,thaumcraft
Attempt to fix #122
Slightly better logging for MixinStatList
Add falsepatternlib and unimixins as real dependencies
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33Publication date
November 15, 2024 at 11:23 PMPublisher