Technical changes to transformations
Hoes break assimilated sculk and assimilated sculk activators faster
Axes break sprawling tentacles faster
Shovels break tunnels faster
Reduced assimilated sculk tentacle render distance (128 -> 64) and made it configurable
Alien Thing transformation particles don't spawn while it's frozen
Assimilated sculk collision and hitboxes now match their vanilla counterparts
Revealed assimilated sculk vein texture
Assimilated sculk gradually redisguises (should also reduce lag caused by tentacles as more of them will be inactive)
Stepping on assimilated sculk special blocks alerts them
Assimilated sculk reveals faster but has a shorter range (the whole biome revealing at once was cool but could lead to a billion tentacles destroying framerate)
Maximum of 1 assimilated sculk tentacle active within a 48x48x48 area to reduce lag
Brambles now break instantly
Alien thing assimilated sculk tentacle placement config option
Starship crash explosion is larger and sets blocks on fire
Most blocks are now silk touchable
Breeding assimilated animals produces assimilated child
Blood crawlers ignore mobs that have already began assimilation
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25333Publication date
November 4, 2023 at 5:02 PMPublisher