fix: Emoji related bugs by @omoflop
fix(crash): Divide by zero crash in MOTD box by @omoflop in [4c71cb6](
fix(crash): Fixes a race condition crash by @alekso56 in #65
fix: ImmediatelyFast breaking animated emoji rendering by @UnlikePaladin in 657acc1
reusing block positions by @omoflop in #72 -
fix(crash): Crashes with spark and collective in by @UnlikePaladin in #81
fix: Various issues by @UnlikePaladin in #82
fix: Incorrect null handling with json apis by @omoflop in 7564d15
not being able to receive nil as a first argument. by @UnlikePaladin in [78aa76]( -
fix: NAMEPLATE_EDIT permissions not triggering the no permissions badge by @UnlikePaladin in 6f27e2d
properly returnsVOID_AIR
instead ofAIR
by @PoolloverNathan in #92 -
fix(crash): PlatformUtils a crash whenever a version of a mod from a newer version of MC is present by @superpowers04 in #101
toJson("-") results in
0` by @KitCat962 in #126 -
fix: Invalid ModelPart cache @KitCat962 in #128
fix: Text height @KitCat962 in #127
fix: Blockbench 4.9 causing incorrect uv calculations by @KitCat962 in #129
fix(crash): Armour textures on Forge crashing the game when rendered using armour pivots by @TJT01 in #119, fixes #115
fix: Figura resetting other mods' keybinds by @UnlikePaladin in ad5af9f
fix: HUD hiding not working on Forge by @UnlikePaladin in c3b6b5e
fix: Incorrect background colors on text tasks by @UnlikePaladin in b42a15f
fix: VM error if getPrimaryDefinedTextures is given no argument by @UnlikePaladin in 67ddf10
fix: Make
actually work by by @UnlikePaladin in 718a4eb -
fix: Elytra being rendered if origins is installed by @UnlikePaladin in cc37c9d
fix: Command issues on Forge by @UnlikePaladin in 62dc2e3
fix: Assorted version detection related bugs by @KitCat962 in(not limited to) #152
fix: VM error when getting a slot and the player is dead or if the slot access is null/invalid by @UnlikePaladin in 0a9da0a
fix: Hiding the vanilla model armor part wouldn't hide the corresponding armor part if it had a pivot by @UnlikePaladin in a125d4b
fix: 🛑 BREAKING: the long existing bug of many functions being 1 tick delayed by @auriafoxgirl in #192
fix: Force English locale on toUpperCase and toLowerCase calls to fix issues on systems with a different locale by @UnlikePaladin in 52da5ff
fix: Inconsistent Syntax on SpriteTask:setTexture by @UnlikePaladin in b9b9fd9
fix: Version check did not work correctly on Forge by @UnlikePaladin in 8af3544
fix(crash): Fixed several crashes with mods that changed the PoseStack on Forge such as Mana and Artifice by @UnlikePaladin in c352a58
chore(deps): Update LuaJ to 3.0.7 by @UnlikePaladin in 2e17b46
chore(docs): Create for all future and current contributors to follow. by @Covkie in #42
chore(mc-docs): Multiple Grammatical changes and fixes to
by @Covkie, @superpowers04, @GrandpaScout, @repository, etc in #104, #108, #117 -
chore: Various repository optimizations by @Kichura
chore: Removed jar merging, Forge and Fabric builds are now standalone by @UnlikePaladin in 1d912f2
chore: Publish pre-releases to Github
chore: Use JDK 17 instead of 21 in terms of codespaces by @Kichura in #167
chore: Bump LuaJ to 3.0.8
chore: Switch from Java-WebSocket to nv-websocket-client
feat: Emoji autocompletion support for categories by @omoflop in f0afe52
feat: Changed various shader related methods to be platform agnostic and added
by @UnlikePaladin in #64 -
feat: Support ImmediatelyFast's new API by @UnlikePaladin in #75
feat: Add
to the modelpart api by @omoflop in 090054f -
feat: Text in the MOTD is now clickable by @omoflop in #90
feat: Add world.isChunkLoaded() to check if chunks are loaded by @PoolloverNathan in #92
feat: Users with special badges can now individually recolour them in 7d468bf
feat: Add Elytra Pivot by @UnlikePaladin in 4b27c92
feat: Figura now has translations at
- French
translation by @HastagGuigui - Romanian
translation by @Circlemaniac - Ukrainian
translation by @playgamesgo
- Top 5 in progress | Please contribute!:
- Italian
63% - Brazillian Portugese
52% - French Canadian
52% - Latvian
45% - Spanish
- Italian
- French
feat: Create RaycastAPI ✨ by @Kitcat962 in #131
feat: Adds new function to ClientAPI
which generates a random UUID by @Kitcat962 in #99 -
feat: Optimize avatar nbt and functions now support relative file access
by Kitcat962 in #135- 🛑 BREAKING: If you access avatar nbt please read the description in #135
feat: Data related features by @lexize in #52
- File API - designed for file operations restricted to the figura/data folder on the host system.
- Data API - adds features which enhance data manipulation with advanced stream handling, readers, providers, and byte buffers.
- Json API - adds functions for JSON serialization and deserialization.
- Resources API - allows storing raw file data rom your avatar folder in avatar itself.
- Networking API 🚀 - everything networking implemented with http, limited to an opt in permission setting.
- changed pairs and ipairs functions to make them able to be work with userdata, and not only tables
- 🛑 BREAKING: ConfigAPI now uses
folder instead offigura/data
is now used by FileAPI
feat: Adds a new
event, meant to be equivalent toARROW
by @Manuel-3 in #109 -
feat: Adds
to control if the model will have root rotations applied to it by @KitCat962 in #144 -
- takes a string and returns a list of values for the Figura enum with that name by @4P5 in #159 -
client.getRegistry() and
world.getHeight() read more in pr #160 by @4P5 -
feat: Allow cancelling any playing sound from a user when returning
event by @KitCat962 in #170 -
feat: Geckolib4 compatibility 🎉 by @UnlikePaladin in #171
feat: Return the break texture for block entity models on BlockStateAPI by @UnlikePaladin in a6168d0
feat: Allow avatar to load if none is found for player - enables Avatar CEM by @jasperalani in #168
feat: Add FiguraModelPart.remove to remove a given part from it's parent by @UnlikePaladin in 11720d1
feat: 🛑 BREAKING: Remove
and separated it intoLeftElytraPivot
with aliasesRightWingPivot
by @UnlikePaladin in a125d4b -
feat: `CUTOUT_EMISSIVE_SOLID now renders full bright as it uses the beacon beam and not the warden's shader by @UnlikePaladin in 188f8c1
feat: Prevent item tasks from calling item render event to be in parity of skull render event by @applejuiceyy in #172
feat: Added EntityTasks by @applejuiceyy in #180
feat: Newly supported versions 🤯
- 1.20.2 and 1.20.4 support on Fabric/Quilt, Forge and Neoforge
- 1.16.5 🔥support on Forge and Fabric
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March 2, 2024 at 5:43 PMPublisher