Updated translations (#498, #499)
Updated ViveCraft support to 1.1.0
Made Model Properties into a separate gui
Added a button to convert a template project to a normal one
NeoForge 1.20.2 port
Pehkui support on 1.20.2 Fabric
Fixed tag editor crash with circular tags (Closes #497)
Fixed version check holding up all network actions on malformed version check file
Fixed networking bug on 1.20.2 (Closes #504)
Fixed CTing visible breaking in the editor
Fixed Head Yaw and Pitch animations rotating the head with Play vanilla animations off
Fixed iris and ad astra crashing (Closes #506)
Fixed Head Yaw locking to one direction with quick movements (Closes #502)
Fixed rounding in spinners failing in rare cases and showing an error popup
Fixed 1.19.3 fabric not loading (Closes #518)
Fixed 1.19.0 fabric not loading
Fixed a potential command execution vulnerability with native file choosers on Linux and malicious resource packs
Fixed gestures and layers stop working with too many layers (Closes #503)
Fixed gesture data desync after model reload (Closes #522)
Fixed social settings not showing the correct model if the other player is too far away
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2877Publication date
November 4, 2023 at 5:56 PMPublisher