Blue Crystal(蓝晶)
Enhance particle effects and add card slot gameplay to the original game.
Intro:This datapack aims to add original particle effects and new gameplay. Like adding particle effects to some arrows and ender pearls. In addition, I have replaced the 25th and 26th slots in the player's inventory with special slots and regular slots, respectively. Special slots are usually used for combat, while regular slots are used for daily life. Adding different minerals can activate some potion effects.
Particle effects for items.(物品的粒子特效。)
Particle effects for underwater items.(水下物品的粒子特效。)
- I will display more detailed photos of particle effects in the 'Gallery'.(更多详细的粒子特效的照片我会在“画廊”中展示。)
Potion effect of slots(插槽的药效):
iron ingot(铁锭):strength(力量), resistance(抗性提升),
copper ingot(铜锭): speed(速度), jump boost(跳跃提升),
gold ingot(金锭): fire resistance(抗火), haste(速掘),
diamond(钻石): luck(幸运), saturation(饱和),
netherite ingot(下界合金锭): knockback resistance(击退免疫), regeneration(再生),
quartz(石英): summon spell(死灵召唤术), slow falling(缓降),
emerald(绿宝石): none(无), hero of the village(村庄英雄),
amethyst shard(紫水晶): night vision(夜视), nagative potion effects resistance and clear foes some potion effects like wind charged.(自身免疫负面药效和清除敌人一些像蓄风的药效),
lapis lazuli(青金石): enchant meding(给自身附魔经验修补), enchant unbreaking 3(给自身附魔耐久3),
flint(燧石): dolphins grace(海豚的恩惠), water breathing(水肺),
redstone(红石): none(无), wind charged(给自身蓄风).
These potion effects can be obtained by making advanced cards to obtain more advanced potion effects, but the attached datapack "Red Crystal" must be installed.(这些药水效果都可以通过制作高级卡片获得更高级的药水效果,但是必须安装附属数据包-“红晶”。)
If your device cannot support a large number of particle effects, you can try installing its accompanying datapack "Green Crystal".(如果你的设备无法支撑大量粒子特效,可以尝试安装它的附属数据包“绿晶”。)
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