Dec 01, 2018
- Added the Stone Brick as a new item. Stone Bricks can be harvested in place of Loose Stones by using an Iron Chisel on Smoothstone blocks. They may also be created in greater numbers by combining Smoothstone Blocks with an Iron Chisel in the crafting grid (similar to splitting wood with an axe), and individual bricks can be split into Loose Stones via this same method.
- Added Loose Stone Brick blocks, stairs and slabs as new block types. They may be crafted with individual Stone Bricks, in the same manner as similar blocks. Applying mortar to them to create vanilla Stone Brick blocks replaces the old creation method entirely.
- Added Loose Nether Brick blocks, stairs, and slabs as new block types. As with Stone Brick, applying mortar replaces the old creation method.
- Added a variant of Netherrack that is affected by gravity. Netherrack will now function as before when placed in the Nether, but if placed in other dimensions, will be subject to gravity. Blocks already placed in your world will continue to behave as before, regardless of dimension.
- Added variable cook times for different block types to the Kiln, similar to the Brick Oven, and increased cook times overall. Stuff like chunks of ore and logs will now take much longer to cook than baked goods. This was done to further incentivize automation, as well as to increase the value of having multiple Hibachis in use.
- Added an additional particle effect (white smoke) when something is cooking in the Kiln, as the slower cook times made it difficult to tell if it was working.
- Added a new Smoothstone creation method where running lava over Loose Cobblestone or Loose Stone Bricks will fill in gaps in the block with hot lava. Running water over the resulting block will then cool it off, forming a Smoothstone block. Along with other changes in this release, this new system is intended to replace all other methods of stone generation previously in the game.
- Added the Lava Pillow as a new block type. This block replaces the Smoothstone and Cobblestone that was previously created when lava blocks came into contact with water blocks, effectively removing lava based cobble generators from the game. Note that the Lava Pillow may not be harvested intact through any means, including silk touch or the Block Dispenser.
- Added recipes for the stairs of the various "Loose" blocks (Cobble, Brick, etc.) that use 3 full blocks or slabs of the type in an "L" pattern in the crafting grid so that such stairs may be crafted in the player's inventory.
- Changed several crafting recipes involving Smoothstone to use Stone Bricks instead. This affects the following: Hand Crank, Mill Stone, Turntable, Hibachi, Anchor, Piston, Redstone Repeater, Lever, Dispenser, Block Detector, Block Dispenser, Buddy Block, and the Chopping Block (now 8 bricks in a 'U'). Basically, almost every block that isn't entirely made of Smoothstone (like stairs or slabs) now uses Stone Bricks instead.
- Changed the Saw to take longer to cut blocks to further incentivize automating it, and adjusted the associated sound to fit the new timing better.
- Changed Chunks of Iron and Gold Ore to have a random facing when placed, rather than one based on player orientation, to make them feel a tad more irregular.
- Changed the name of the Stone item to "Loose Stone" to help further differentiate it from Smoothstone blocks.
- Changed Cactus blocks to be destroyed when hit by lightning.
- Changed (refactored) the way Oak and Nether Brick fences work internally to hopefully resolve some collision issues with them. This change is largely a test that is being discussed on the BTW forums, and other fence types will be converted to this new format if the test is successful.
- Fixed a problem where Slimes, Squid, and Ghasts weren't reliably despawning within spawn chunks.
- Fixed a vanilla problem where Fireballs and Wither Skulls could hang around indefinitely in your world.
- Fixed a potential crash when baskets would catch on fire.
- Removed the ability to stop Cement from drying by applying a redstone signal to it. This removes another form of infinite stone generator from the game.
- Removed the ability to harvest whole Smoothstone blocks by isolating them from their neighbors and then harvesting. In practice I found this mechanic to be rather clunky and unintuitive, and the need for it has been largely replaced by the inclusion of Stone Bricks.
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June 11, 2023 at 9:45 PMPublisher