Version 4.ABCEEFAB
August 14th, 2018
- Added new regular Torches (the ones made with nethercoal) that start fires above them in the same way as Crude Torches. This does not affect lit torches already placed in the world, so your existing builds are safe. This was done both as part of my ongoing effort to make fire a more interesting part of the game, and also to increase the value of late game lighting options like Glowstone, Light Blocks, and the Lens. These new torches may also be crushed by falling blocks, like Crude Torches. The flame particles have been removed from the old torches, to make them a little easier to identify.
- Added Burned Meat as a new item. It's created when food is cooked for too long over a blazing campfire, and is similar to Cured Meat in terms of being a substandard processed meat product. This will hopefully serve to better instruct new players in how the Campfire works, and can also work as an emergency method of quickly sterilizing meat in a pinch.
- Added a sound effect for when Campfires die down to a small state, to make maintaining them a bit easier. Also changed the sound when they burn out so that it's easier to distinguish from the Crude Torch sound.
- Added the ability to burn flowers in Campfires and Ovens, just in case your world has yet to be completely reduced to an ashen husk.
- Added a Pile Of Gravel drop to the first level of Smooth Stone chiseling, to provide a little more feedback to players that their chiseling is doing something, and to create an interesting mechanic where having a lot of exposed stone has some small advantages in the early game.
- Added Chicken Feed as a new Item. It is created by combining seeds and Bone Meal in the crafting grid. Its role is explained below.
- Added an indicator next to the crafting output when recipes output secondary items (eg. bark and saw dust when splitting logs). Note that I have to manually set these indicators at present, so if I missed any, please let me know.
- Added Bone Fish Hooks as a new item. These are created with a single Bone in the crafting grid, which then turns into an item that needs to be worked over time to complete, similar to knitting.
- Added sound when baiting Fishing Rods.
- Changed the Fishing Rod recipe to be shapeless and to use only a single stick, 2 string, and an iron nugget (or Bone Fish Hook), so that it can be crafted in the player's inventory.
- Changed (decreased) the odds of catching fish somewhat, and changed fishing to require water source blocks rather than just regular water blocks, to prevent some exploits with man made ponds.
- Changed Fishing Rods to have less durability than previously.
- Changed the breeding items for various animals listed below to make wheat less of an uber item and to introduce some additional late game activity diversity. Note that this may make automating the breeding of some of them impossible, which is something that will be addressed in future releases.
- Changed Chickens to breed (lay eggs) with Chicken Feed instead of seeds.
- Changed Pigs to only breed with Chocolate, whereas they could be bred with a variety of items previously.
- Changed Sheep to breed with Cookies rather than wheat.
- Changed Cows to breed with Cake rather than wheat.
- Changed fire blocks to no longer be extinguished just by clicking on them in order to make fire a more dangerous and persistent threat, as well as to make it more consistent with the fire mechanics added with burning ladders. Note that fire may still be extinguished with water, or smothered with other blocks, it's just slightly trickier to deal with now.
- Changed (increased) the lag tolerance on Fire Ploughs and Bow Drills slightly to help reduce issues in high latency SMP games.
- Changed the order in which items are shift-clicked into the player's inventory from other containers (like chests) so that it's more consistent with stuff like picking up items. This handles stuff like how when you pickup an item, it'd go to the leftmost slot of your hotbar, but if you shift click it from the crafting grid, it'd go to the rightmost. This is just a small quality of life thing, but the inconsistency really annoyed me.
- Changed the name of Stone blocks to "Smooth Stone" to reduce confusion with the individual Stone item.
- Changed Gravel, Sand, and Dirt blocks to consist of 8 piles (4 for slabs) in order to provide a bit more resolution to pile drops, such as with the change to Smooth Stone chiseling listed above.
- Changed (increased) the minimum amount of hunger the player can respawn with after death, to make death spirals slightly less punishing.
- Fixed a problem where ladders weren't displaying the crack texture correctly while being harvested.
- Fixed a problem where tools placed as blocks wouldn't update neighboring blocks when first placed. This would result in stuff like water not flowing into the block and such.
- Fixed a problem where Snow Golems could not be created with the new snow blocks that were added in a recent release.
- Fixed a problem where pushing both an unfired pottery (like an Urn) block, and the block below it, at the same time with pistons, could result in a visual duplicate of the unfired pottery block.
- Fixed a problem where wolves would sometimes just sit back and chill in the middle of attacking you.
- Removed zombie villagers decaying into regular zombies with time as I didn't like how it played out in the mid to late game when respawning near a village and just needing to wait out the decay to collect the bootsies. Its main purpose was to discourage the early game wheat rush, which is no longer as much of an issue anyways due to the above changes to animal breeding.
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June 11, 2023 at 9:36 PMPublisher