ArPhEx is now available for Minecraft 1.21.1 Neoforge! Five simultaneous versions!****
4.0.2 changes: Fixed issue where Tormentor would take damage in a wall and ethereal staff would not work. Non-sourced damage immunities readded
4.0.1 changes: Fixed issue where abyssal blade blocking made you invincible from all angles Improved tormentor summon movement Nerfed tormented scorpioid attack damage Summoner items now show health more slowly so it doesn’t cover “let it heal more first before you can spawn” messages
At long last, the ultimate update arrives! All feedback appreciated on the countless new mechanics. I will get to work on updating the wiki and project page, but this may take some time given the update scale.
Enormous changelog:
ArPhEx 4.0
Warning: This update will break existing Crawling Container pockets, because I raised the world height of The Crawling and had to make the pocket dimensions higher along with this. I recommend using structure blocks if you want to preserve a previous pocket room! One more note is that this update does not add any sounds yet. A major sound update is planned for ArPhEx at some point, which will flesh out new sounds for the Tormentor and many other things.
- THE TORMENTOR BOSS. A true eldritch monstrosity, making arphex possibly the first Minecraft horror mod to add a convincing eldritch monster. Potentially the largest, most intimidating entity ever added to any Minecraft mod. Plus an insanely challenging and long boss fight, more akin to an infection mod. This boss is the size of an entire biome, and can follow you across unlimited distances and between dimensions. It has many advanced mechanics, including: force chunkloading around itself, massive particle clouds around it visible for long distances (even if entity is not loaded), hitbox indicator particles, respawning ability if lost, map-wide limit of one spawning at a time unless player-spawned, forced damage cap of up to a billion damage. Ability to torment nearby non-targeted players with plagues and enter full attack mode towards any entities that hit it recently and have not died within the last minute. When in attack mode, it has immensely dangerous and destructive powers. It can fire highly explosive blasts, meteor showers, summon stronger versions of other bosses, throw enormous sun-like spheres at you, deal 10,000 attack damage in close proximity, fire blasts that float midair, then lunge towards you, summon caterpillar-like entities that spiral around it and attack in proximity, summon tormentor larvae, and much more, increasing in intensity as its health lowers and cycling between attack phases. Summoned on the bottom layer of The Crawling by throwing an Abyssal Crystal into a well leading straight down into the void (10 minute intense countdown to spawn, the well becomes inactive afterwards, limiting to only one Tormentor summon per well). Moreover, it has mechanics specifically designed to ensure that the boss will remain challenging, even if you have extremely powerful weapons to use against it. It should remain a skill-based challenge, requiring the strongest gear to survive. If you can’t kill the Tormentor, you can seal it by finding an overworld Crawling portal and throwing a Bane of the Darkness into it. The tormentor’s main follow target must be present for this to work (can switch if they die or leave the game). Finally, note that the Tormentor can spawn naturally in an inert state after killing the three original bosses. If you look straight at one, it will trigger and summon the full tormentor version!
- THE CRAWLING DIMENSION. Nature at its most brutal and apathetic. A dimension of pure survival of the fittest, where arthropods are locked in an eternal war of evolution and lands are ravaged. Despite this, the design has a mixture of beauty and horror, with fully custom world generation, features, structures, mobs, and biomes. The dimension is separated into five layers. Layer 1: 230-256 (36), Layer 2: 120-230 (110), Layer 3: 60-120 (60), and Layer 4: 0-60 (60). All arthropod-type mobs get increasing strength effects in the crawling, especially at lower layers, plus stronger mob types become more prevalent with lower layers. Generated features also vary between layers, adding variety to the terrain, with darker lower levels.
- Access the Crawling by finding a giant underground castle structure in the overworld, spawning in any biomes. Inside this structure there is a hollow sphere. Inside the hollow sphere, there are four pillars. Lighting each on fire with scorch charges and right clicking the central “crawling barrier” block with an Abyssal Crystal activates the portal without consuming the item. Leaving the Crawling is different. You can find portals scattered on the top layer. Some point to the overworld, some point to the nether, and some point to the end (indicated by stone/netherrack/endstone blocks. Therefore, entering the Crawling is dangerous in this way too, even leaving can be a challenge. You can locate the overworld castle structure with the new "Crawling Compass" craftable item, and this item also enables you to find dungeons that bypass crawling layer barriers!
- Added FIVE biomes for the Crawling! Crawling Canopy (a beautiful biome with lush foliage hanging from the ceiling, along with decorations like brambles and large bushes - All manner of arthropods spawn there). Decadent Desert (biome focuses on scorpions and solifuges, with flatter grounds and small floating islands scattered about). Tormented Tunnels (a tighter, darker biome with many additional dangers to watch for, yet valuable rewards to be found in the form of precious ores (including the new “Exquisite Ore”). Webbed Wasteland (a biome filled to the brim with cobwebs and spiders, very difficult to traverse without flight). And finally, Cryptic Complex (the most mysterious biome, appearing to have constructed monuments and buildings or generators for unknown purposes. Three major dungeons also exist for bypassing layers of the crawling, featuring tons of brutal enemies and mechanics to prevent easily bypassing layers.
- The new dungeons have special loot tables of various tiers containing arphex items, including some special new items only obtainable through dungeon chests, like the "Prowler Parachute" (item giving slow falling when held and upwards boosts on right click).
- Added brand new blocks for The Crawling: Crawling Clay (decoration block), Decadent Dust (dark sand block for the Decadent Desert biome), Exquisite Ore (rainbow ore found rarely in the Tormented Tunnels, drops Abyssal, Fire Opal, or Void Geode shards), and finally, improved Crawling Barrier blocks that segment off the layers from each other and deal heavy armour-piercing damage on contact (to non-arthropods).
- Mantis Mutilator mobs! A new regular mob, and the first Crawling-Exclusive mob! These large, strong mantises can stalk their prey (small flying mobs and players), always preferring to attack from behind. They will happily attack you too if you look away, dealing devastating damage with their surprise attacks (attacks are stronger if their target is looking away). 1 in 5 will be a special Orchid variant (idea credit to Neery), or stick mantis variant (idea credit to Electro) for even more stealthiness. Tameable with iridescent scarabs and rideable! Drops a "mantis machete" on death, a melee weapon dealing heavy armour-piercing damage if the attack lands on an enemy from behind.
- Three new entities based on existing bosses, but stronger and specifically designed to complement the Tormentor as its summoning minions (occasionally summons them upon taking damage). Tormented Spider Moth lunges at you repeatedly, charging in a straight line and changing direction only once every few seconds (devastating damage if it grabs you). Tormented Scorpioid Bloodluster attempts to attack you and steal health in doing so, then runs over to the Tormentor to give it health (also sometimes activating a forcefield during combat). And finally, the Tormented Draconic Voidlasher alternates between two attack phases, one where it fires continuous supercharged void spears at you, and the other where it spawns orbs that start following you rapidly after a few moments. Without an Abyss Ascendant, Vortex Devastator, or other powerful tool, you won’t be able to escape these attacks. These bosses can also fly straight through walls like the Tormentor, and their attacks have no limit to their damage depending on the target’s health.
- Added various new Tormentor-exclusive particles for smoke variants and the core of eternal suffering.
- The most powerful material items now have flashing animations.
- Added configuration spawning setting to be able to limit all mob spawns to the Crawling if desired. Accessing the Crawling will be very difficult this way, however.
- The Abyss Ascendant is finally now obtainable in the way I wanted. Crafted from an umbral ingot surrounded by two abyssal blades, two ascendant staffs, and four scorch charges. Thereby, you can craft it purely from materials dropped by the first three bosses and regular early-game mobs. It is the strongest pre-crawling item, but now has a new system where it will not activate fully until you defeat a Tormentor, except for when a Tormentor is in close proximity. When it is not fully active, its name changes and it will not have full flight abilities or ability to freeze nearby mobs in place. However, it is still extremely strong with 30 attack damage, very long-range attacks, damage blocking, and hovering/rapid movement powers. It is the best weapon for fighting the Tormentor, though more comparable pre-tormentor weapons are planned.
- Added “Ascended Cube” ultimate item crafted from four cores of eternal suffering. This block provides the player who placed it with resistance 2 in a wide range. It also completely repels the tormentor and its summons/projectiles in a wide area, and resists being broken by players who are not its “owner”, giving them mining fatigue 2 to slow them down. Deals heavy damage on contact.
- Tormentor is available in a small summon (pet) version that gets bigger and stronger the more times you kill the main Tormentor. Scales all the way to 200 Tormentor kills. At this point, it would be able to 2-shot regular bosses. Item crafts from Tormentor drops: A core of eternal suffering and eight hedonic gems (crafted from another single core of suffering). Summon is also rideable if you have 10+ Tormentor kills and can fly straight through walls (suffocation immunity while riding). You can change your registered amount of tormentor kills with cheats by crouching and right clicking a tormentor summon while you have a “debug effect” potion (/effect give @p arphex:debug_effect) - while you have that effect, extra information is displayed about the Tormentor mechanism while active, for error debugging purposes.
- Crawling Container now only cools down momentarily if you’re using it in creative or spectator mode.
- The effect given by Vortex Devastator and Voidlasher homing projectiles now gives more vortex-like particles. Plus increased the length of effect given by the Vortex Devastator. Also buffed Vortex Devastator damage massively - approximately double!
- Brand new “Chitin armour” has three tiers of power, serving as an alternative to the other sets that can be accessed in the earlier game. Its special abilities include: Showing particle lines that only you can see, directing to all nearby mobs and indicating whether they are friendly or hostile (when crouching) with higher radius based on tier. Resistance and strength effects given to all nearby tamed mobs (higher for higher tier sets). Immunity to webbed effects. A double jump ability improving with tier. And set bonus of flat 10. 20. or 40% damage reduction from behind depending on tier.
- Added an early/mid-game bow item: Black Widow Bow - alternative to the regular bow, but not needing enchantments to reach a high level of power. Unlimited ammunition and durability, plus deals necrosis, fire, and webbed effects on arrow hit.
- Spider larvae size+hitbox increased, and face grab damage slowed to account for modpacks that may remove the damage speed limit.
- Tiny spider larvae no longer spawn with regular ones, so now only come from Spider Broods.
- Significantly improved the designs of all armour types.
- The Core of Eternal Suffering dropped by the Tormentor boss can now craft into eight “Hedonic Gem” items, used for crafting eternal armour. After killing a tormentor, the core item emits particles and lets you know it is nearby.
- Buffed arthropod antenna range
- Force gauntlet left click ability now deals strong damage.
- All spider mobs are now fully immune to cobwebs.
- Buffed Vitality Viewfinder to add a “lens mode” where it works without being held directly. Toggled on left click.
- Spider larvae, long legs, and tiny variants now have less forward movement when midair
- Nerfed Spider Flat attack damage by more than half
- Increased random spawn system rates significantly.
- Vengeful Voidseeker zoom now works any time you sneak, not just when cooling down, and fixed an issue where it had to be used in lock on mode before being able to be used in manual-control mode. Also increased its range and speed/damage.
- Termite Tunneler queen now drops a new item on death, the "Tectonic Tunneler". This pickaxe can break two blocks at a time like the Abyssal Pickaxe, enabling fast tunnelling. It is also now required in crafting the Abyssal Pickaxe, instead of a netherite pickaxe.
- Ethereal staff now gives true suffocation damage immunity when in a wall.
- Decreased issue where Scorpioids and Reapers sometimes spawn with their second-stage textures.
- Upgraded void protection effect to work if death wasn’t caused by an entity
- Buffed umbral armour to have the same protection as infernal
- Improved butterfly flight animation cutoff, improved flaws in model, and made it so that sneaking up to them doesn’t make them fly off immediately.
- Buffed arthropod antenna range
- Fixed many server/client animation sync issues, including a very long-standing one where the Spider Moth would look the wrong way when flying sometimes
- Umbral armour set bonus (shared by Eternal) no longer shows the circling purple orb unless you are actively being targeted for attack. It already only damaged mobs that were attacking.
- Crab Constrictor can no longer hit downwards, should prevent it from destroying you through the ground
- ArPhEx armours are now truly unbreakable, rather than just resetting durability to 0.
- Fixed issue where crab larvae could float in the air while grabbing
- Renamed Chaos Targeted to Chao Lock to differentiate.
- Made centipede evictor larvae bigger
- Fixed potential crash on spider moth kill if no player is nearby
- Major performance improvements, tons of redundant or slow older code removed
- Many bugfixes and some potential crash fixes
- New improved logo based on the Tormentor
- Many new advancements added
- Much more that I never got round to adding to the changelog
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