Dragionn's Stuff
Adds lots of random stuff that I thought of, mostly strong and overpowered mobs.
I am not working on this mod anymore. Go and use the new mod, Omni-Mobs.
Dragionn's Stuff
Adds lots of random mobs and bosses for mob battles. The bosses in this mod are incredibly strong, and the strongest one can beat all mobs I throw at it. This is a creative only mod. There are also some random items not mentioned on this page, they just aren't important enough right now.
Please backup worlds you care about before using.
Some of these mobs will cause fire and explosions which will destroy your world. This mod can also be a bit unstable, one example is when mobs like Greylight and Greyflash sometimes duplicate themselves until your game freezes and you have to end the Minecraft process.
IMPORTANT: Required Steps
Required Mods
Very Important:
Change the max value of minecraft:generic.max_health in the attributefix config (found in .minecraft/config/attributefix.json) to 2147483647 or more.
Mob Battle Items
Overpowered Sword
An overpowered sword for making mob battles easier, it deals infinite set-health damage and also /kills the target and despawns it. The sword can be used by left or right clicking on a mob (right click is way better, so use that). It can remove anything from my mod except for Dragionn (Right click again with the Dragionn spawn egg on the ground to remove him). It will only work if the player is using it and not a mob so other mods cannot use it to remove this mods mobs.
An item used to despawn entities, you can left click on the entity to despawn it or right click and despawn nearby entities.
This item sets No AI to true for all entities when on. If it's on, it will be enchanted. Right click to toggle it on or off.
The omnipotent dragon (not the Minecraft version obviously), the strongest mob in all of Minecraft (As far as I know, he is, and can beat anything, even overpowered mobs from 1.7.10). He is beyond health so he doesn’t have a health value, the bossbar says infinity though. He also isn’t even an entity, and his size is infinite.
- Absolute Erasure: He will instantly erase any loaded entity from existence, no matter the distance or dimension. He can also erase things that are normally immune to being erased (try out Dragionn against mobs from other mods and you will see).
- Omnipresence: He is in all locations and dimensions, just look up at the sky.
- Absolute Beam: He has a 0.5% chance to summon a beam at the position of an entity when that entity gets erased, this doesn’t really do anything because the entity gets erased anyway.
- Lightning: He will summon lightning at the position of an entity when that entity gets erased. This is only visual and does nothing.
- Omni-Immunity: He is immune to absolutely everything and anything, the strongest attacks in all of Minecraft do absolutely nothing. Set health does nothing, /kill does nothing (this attack is weak though), setRemoved does nothing, and many more attacks do absolutely nothing. You can right click with the spawn egg again to remove him though.
An unbeatable cat with electricity powers. He has 10000 health.
- Melee: He can hit his target from up to 12 blocks away dealing 10% max health + 100 set-health damage and 1% max health + 50 void damage every 5 ticks.
- Lightning: He can summon lightning that can hit his target from up to 55 blocks away dealing 5% max health + 50 set-health damage and 1% max health + 50 void damage.
- Shockwave: When he falls from 30 metres or higher, he will create a shock-wave that deals 2.5% max health + 24 set-health damage and 1 void damage to everything in a 35 block radius and launches them into the sky.
- Teleportation: He can teleport to his target from any distance.
- Final Beam: When his health reaches 10% (which won't happen) or his target isn't taking any damage, he will freeze the target, become invulnerable, summon a blue beam that absolutely erases the target, and stop being invulnerable.
- Lightning Storm: He can summon a lightning storm every 60 seconds that lasts for 10 seconds, it will deal 2.5% max health + 25 set-health damage and 1% max health + 5 void damage to all the entities around him in a 50 metre radius every 2 ticks. (100 milliseconds)
- Shield: He will deflect all incoming projectiles with a blue transparent shield.
- Absolute Erasure Immunity: He cannot be despawned.
- Set-Health Immunity: Directly setting his health doesn't work on him.
- Invulnerability: He is invulnerable and returns all damage sources as false.
- Teleportation Immunity: He cannot be teleported.
- Effect Immunity: He is immune to potion effects.
- Max Health Modification Immunity: His max health cannot be modified.
- Explosion Knockback Immunity: He cannot be knocked around or damaged by explosions.
- No AI Immunity: He cannot be set to have no ai.
An unbeatable wolf with electricity powers (a wolf version of Greylight). He has 10000 health.
- Slash: He will slash his target dealing 30% max health + 300 set-health damage and 1% max health void damage. This has a cool-down of 15 ticks and an area of effect attack with a radius of 9.8 blocks.
- Lightning Projection: He can summon lightning that can hit his target from up to around 270 blocks away dealing 5% max health + 50 set-health damage and 1% max health + 50 void damage.
- Shockwave: When he falls from 30 metres or higher, he will create a shock-wave that deals 2.5% max health + 24 set-health damage and 1 void damage to everything in a 35 block radius and launches them into the sky.
- Teleportation: He can teleport to his target from any distance.
- Invulnerability Detection: When he uses the slash ability, he will check if the target is taking damage, if the target is not taking damage or taking very little, he will remove them.
- Absolute Erasure Immunity: He cannot be despawned.
- Set-Health Immunity: Directly setting his health doesn't work on him.
- Invulnerability: He is invulnerable and returns all damage sources as false.
- Teleportation Immunity: He cannot be teleported.
- Effect Immunity: He is immune to potion effects.
- Max Health Modification Immunity: His max health cannot be modified.
- Explosion Knockback Immunity: He cannot be knocked around or damaged by explosions.
- No AI Immunity: He cannot be set to have no ai.
A super fast black cat. He has 50 health.
- Slash: He will slash his target dealing 5% max health + 50 set-health damage and 1 void damage. This has a cool-down of 5 ticks and an area of effect attack with a radius of 10 blocks.
- Super Speed: He will run at hypersonic speeds towards his target if the target is 5 or more blocks away from him.
- Invulnerability Detection: When he uses the slash ability, he will check if the target is taking damage, if the target is not taking damage or taking very little, he will remove them.
- Regeneration: He will regenerate 1 health every 5 seconds.
- Dodge: He has a 90% chance to dodge attacks. If he doesn't dodge, he will absorb 95% of incoming damage.
- Set-Health Immunity: Directly setting his health doesn't work on him.
- Fall Damage Immunity: He is immune to fall damage.
- Damage Cap: He can only take a maximum of 1 damage.
- Effect Immunity: He is immune to potion effects.
- Custom I-Frames: He can only be attacked every 10 ticks.
- Max Health Modification Immunity: His max health cannot be modified.
- Explosion Knockback Immunity: He cannot be knocked back by explosions.
- No AI Immunity: His AI cannot be removed.
Multiversal Dragon
A huge dragon that is much stronger than Multiversal (despite his name). He has 1500000000 health.
- Lightning: He will strike lightning on his target around twice every second dealing 5% max health + 1000000 set-health damage and 2.5% max health void damage.
- Cosmic Beam: He will summon a cosmic beam on his target that lasts for 5 seconds dealing 9% max health + 10000000 set-health damage and 1% max health + 10000 void damage every tick to all entities in a 25 metre radius. This has a cool-down of 20 seconds.
- Omniversal Bang: He will create a huge explosion that deals 99% max health + 1000000000 set-health damage and 5% max health + 10000 void damage to everything in a 2500 block radius. This has a cool-down of 60 seconds.
- Erasure: He will erase his target out of existence. This has a cooldown of 60 seconds.
- Hit: He will hit everything in a 100 block radius dealing 10% + 100000 set-health damage and 2.5% max health + 1000 void damage. This has a cool-down of 30 seconds.
- Reality Warp: He will warp reality and divide his target's max health by 10. This has a cool-down of 15 seconds.
- Super Lightning Strike Barrage: He will send down 1 lightning bolt every tick, or 20 every second, and he will deal 1% max health + 50000 set-health damage and 0.1% max health void damage every lightning strike. This has a cool-down of 30 seconds and lasts for 10 seconds.
- Regeneration: He will regenerate 500000 health every second.
- Erasure Immunity: He cannot be despawned.
- Set-Health Resistance: Directly setting his health will just act like normal damage.
- Selective Damage Immunity: He is immune to most damage sources like fire, drowning, falling, magic, explosions, etc.
- Teleportation Immunity: He cannot be teleported.
- Damage Cap: He can only take a maximum of 1000000 damage.
- Damage Resistance: He will divide incoming damage by 250.
- Custom I-Frames: He can only take damage every 10 ticks.
- Max Health Modification Immunity: His max health cannot be modified.
- Explosion Knockback Immunity: He cannot be knocked around or damaged by explosions.
- No AI Immunity: He cannot be set to have no ai.
An overpowered cat with fire powers. He has 8000 health.
- Melee: He can hit his target from up to 9 blocks away dealing 7.5% max health + 75 set-health damage and 1% max health + 25 void damage every 5 ticks. He will also set the target on fire.
- Fireball: He can summon a homing fireball that explodes on impact dealing 5% max health + 50 set-health damage and 1% max health + 25 void damage. This sets the target on fire.
- Teleportation: He can teleport to his target from any distance.
- Regeneration: He will regenerate 10 health every 10 ticks.
- Shield: He will deflect all incoming projectiles with an orange transparent shield.
- Erasure Immunity: He cannot be despawned.
- Set-Health Resistance: Directly setting his health will just act like normal damage.
- Selective Damage Immunity: He is immune to most damage sources like fire, drowning, falling, magic, explosions, etc.
- Damage Cap: He can only take a maximum of 20 damage.
- Custom I-Frames: He can only take damage every 10 ticks.
- Effect Immunity: He is immune to potion effects.
- Max Health Modification Immunity: His max health cannot be modified.
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
An overpowered dog with storm powers. He has 7500 health.
- Storm Cloud: He can summon a small storm cloud above his target that strikes lightning dealing 10% max health + 200 generic damage on phase 1, void damage on phase 2 and set-health damage + 1% max health void damage on phase 3.
- Teleportation: He can teleport to his target from any distance.
- Regeneration: Phase 1, he will regenerate 10 health every second, phase 2, he will regenerate 10 every 10 ticks and phase 3 he will regenerate 20 every 10 ticks.
- Wind Aura: In phase 2, he will be surrounded by wind that pushes back nearby entities
- Electric Aura: In phase 3, he will be surrounded by electricity that pushes back nearby entities and deals 5% max health + 20 damage every tick.
- Set-Health Immunity: Directly setting his health doesn't work on him.
- Selective Damage Immunity: He is immune to most damage sources like fire, drowning, falling, magic, explosions, etc.
- Damage Cap: In phase 1, he can only take a maximum of 20 damage, phase 2, only 10 and phase 3, only 5.
- Max Health Modification Immunity: His max health cannot be modified.
Annihilation Emperor, King of the Penguins, Destroyer of Worlds
Annihilation Emperor is the ruler of an intergalactic civilisation.
Has 20 health.
- Laser: The penguin can shoot a laser at things with 100% accuracy and it deals 5% max health + 300 void damage.
- Armour: The penguin is reinforced with armour that will absorb 99.99% of incoming damage.
Penguin Spaceship
Has 20000000 Health.
- Laser: The penguin can shoot a laser at things with 100% accuracy and it deals 20% max health + 50000 void damage.
- Armour: The penguin is reinforced with armour that will absorb 99% of incoming damage.
Wave 1 and 2
Annihilation Emperor commands an army of 150 penguins each wave to destroy anyone around.
Wave 3
Annihilation Emperor commands an army of 20 spaceships to destroy anyone around.
Wave 4
Annihilation Emperor comes down in his world destroying spaceship. It has 1000000000 health.
- Laser: The spaceship can shoot a laser at things with 100% accuracy and it deals 25% max health + 10000000 void damage.
- Armour: The spaceship is reinforced with armour that will absorb 99.99% of incoming damage.
- World Destroying Beam: The spaceship will shoot a beam when it reaches 25% health, this beam deals 50% max health + 10^33 set-health damage and 1000000000 void damage to everything in a 1250 block radius. This can only be used once.
- Damage Cap: If he hasn't used the world destroying beam and he takes enough damage to go down to below 25% health, it will only go to 25% health and he will fire the beam. After, he will take damage normally.
The Fission Master
A universe destroying cat boss generated by AI with 500000000 health.
- Big Bang: The Fission Master can summon a big blue explosion. It deals 10% max health + 50000000 set-health damage and 1% max health + 10000 void damage to everything in a 1000 block radius.
- Universal Beams: The Fission Master can summon beams from its eyes that deal 5% max health + 5000000 set-health damage and 1% max health + 10000 void damage every second to anything in the beams. This lasts for 5 seconds and has a cool-down of 15 seconds.
- Paradox: The Fission Master can create a paradox that "erases" things out of existence. It deals 40% max health + 500000000 set-health damage and 1% max health + 10000 void damage to everything in a 100 block radius. This has a cool-down of 30 seconds.
- Regeneration: He will regenerate 100000 health every second.
- Erasure Immunity: He cannot be despawned.
- Set-Health Resistance: Directly setting his health will just act like normal damage.
- Selective Damage Immunity: He is immune to most damage sources like fire, drowning, falling, magic, explosions, etc.
- Damage Cap: He can only take a maximum of 5000000 damage.
- Custom I-Frames: He can only take damage every 10 ticks.
A universe destroying turtle with 500000000 health.
- Obliteration: He will obliterate his target dealing 5% max health + 1000000 set-health damage and 1% max health + 1000 void damage. This has a cool-down of 1.5 seconds.
- Reality Warp: He will warp reality and divide his target's max health by 2. This has a cool-down of 30 seconds.
- Regeneration: He will regenerate 250000 health every second.
- Erasure Immunity: He cannot be despawned.
- Set-Health Resistance: Directly setting his health will just act like normal damage.
- Selective Damage Immunity: He is immune to most damage sources like fire, drowning, falling, magic, explosions, etc.
- Damage Cap: He can only take a maximum of 5000000 damage.
A large ender dragon with 900000000 health.
- Lightning: He will strike lightning on his target every tick dealing 10% max health + 1000000 void damage.
- Resistance: He will absorb 99.9% of incoming damage.
- Selective Damage Immunity: He is immune to most damage sources like fire, drowning, falling, magic, explosions, etc.
A cat with beam powers. He has 5000 health.
- Slash: He will slash his target dealing 2.5% max health + 10 damage.
- Beam Projection: He can shoot beams forward that deal 7.5% max health + 75 damage and 1% max health + 10 set-health damage.
- Beam Summoning: He can summon a beam from the sky that deals 50% max health + 500 damage and 10% max health + 50 set-health damage.
- Regeneration: He will regenerate 1 health every 10 ticks.
- Selective Damage Immunity: He is immune to most damage sources like fire, drowning, falling, magic, explosions, etc.
- Damage Cap: He can only take a maximum of 20 damage.
- Set-Health Cap: He has a set-health cap of 50.
- Custom I-Frames: He can only take damage every 10 ticks.
Apocalypse Balleon
A cartoon looking red-back spider. He has 1500 health.
- Melee: He can hit an entity from up to 6 blocks away dealing 10% max health + 10 damage. This also gives the target Apocalyptic Poison for 5 seconds, each tick it deals 0.1% max health + 0.1 set-health damage and every 10 ticks it deals 0.1 void damage.
- Balloons: He will summon balloons around him that explode after 50 ticks.
- Webs: He will trap his target in webs.
- Regeneration: He will regenerate 5 health every second.
- Selective Damage Immunity: He is immune to most damage sources like fire, drowning, falling, magic, explosions, etc.
- Damage Cap: He can only take a maximum of 5 damage.
Mr Bread
A 2d orange star with 1000000 health. Probably the weirdest thing in existence.
- Beetroot Rain: He will shoot 5 beetroot every tick from the bottom of the hitbox, the beetroot will deal 2500 void damage and explode on impact, it also has a 0.5% chance of summoning a lightning bolt when it hits an entity or block.
- Selective Damage Immunity: He is immune to most damage sources like fire, drowning, falling, magic, explosions, etc.
- Damage Cap: He can only take a maximum of 10000 damage.
The Planet Pecker
A gigantic chicken who pecks planets. He has 100000 health. Not finished, I need to think of some more abilities to make it interesting to fight
- Peck: He will peck the ground every 5 seconds dealing 5% max health + 10000 damage to all entities in a 75 block radius.
- Flap: He will flap his wings every 30 seconds dealing 5% max health + 10000 damage to all entities in a 150 block radius. This will also launch the entities high in the air.
- Regeneration: He will regenerate 100 health every second.
- Selective Damage Immunity: He is immune to most damage sources like fire, drowning, falling, magic, explosions, etc.
- Damage Cap: He can only take a maximum of 2000 damage.
- Custom I-Frames: He can only take damage every 10 ticks.
A fire dragon. He has 3500 health.
- Swipe: He will swipe all entities in a 10 block radius dealing 15% max health + 30 mob attack damage. This has a cool-down of 15 ticks.
- Fireball: He can summon a homing fireball that explodes on impact dealing 10% + 25 fireball damage. This sets the target on fire and has a cool-down of 5 seconds.
- Fire Aura: He can surround himself in fire, this lasts for 10 seconds, this deals 1% max health + 1 fire damage every 10 ticks to all nearby entities and has a cool-down of 10 seconds.
- Regeneration: He will regenerate 5 health every second.
- Set-Health Resistance: Directly setting his health will just act like normal damage.
- Selective Damage Immunity: He is immune to most damage sources like fire, drowning, falling, magic, explosions, etc.
- Damage Cap: He can only take a maximum of 20 damage.
- Custom I-Frames: He can only take damage every 10 ticks.
A flying glow squid. He has 1000 health.
- Projectiles: He will shoot 5 homing projectiles at a time, each dealing 5% max health + 50 void damage. This has a cool-down of 2 seconds.
- Flash of Light: He will create a big flash of light that destroys things in a 100 block radius and deals 10% + 500 void damage to all entities in a 250 block radius. This has a 0.1% chance of happening each tick.
- Regeneration: He will regenerate 1 health every 10 ticks.
- Fire and Explosion Immunity: He is immune to fire and explosions.
- Damage Cap: He can only take a maximum of 30 damage.
A pro Minecraft player (that doesn't actually exist). He has 100 health.
- Sword Attack: He can attack something with his sword from up to 3 blocks away, this deals 10% max health + 11 damage and sets the target on fire for 8 seconds. He will also perform critical hits if he is falling which deal 1.5 times extra damage.
- Bow: He can shoot the target with a bow, the bow takes a second to draw back and it will deal 10% max health + 25 damage.
- Sprint Jump: He will sprint jump like a regular player.
- Water Bucket Clutch: He will grab a water bucket when he is falling and negate all fall damage.
- Dodge: He has a 50% chance to dodge attacks if he is swinging his sword or using his bow, otherwise, he will block with his sword.
- Regeneration: He will regenerate 1 health every second.
- Damage Cap: He can only take a maximum of 5 damage.
- Damage Absorption: He will absorb 80% of incoming damage.
- Set-Health Resistance: Directly setting his health will just act like normal damage.
- Fall Damage Immunity: He is immune to fall damage.
- Custom I-Frames: He can only be attacked every 10 ticks.
Dolphin King
The king of the dolphins. He has 450 health.
- Trident Hit: He will hit his target once with each trident. Each trident will deal 5% max health + 20 damage.
- Flight: He can fly.
- Damage Cap: He can only take a maximum of 20 damage.
- Fall Damage Immunity: He is immune to fall damage.
A bee, I know, it's kinda boring. He has 1500 health.
- Fire Line: He will shoot a line of fire to all entities in a 10 block radius dealing 50 damage and setting the entity on fire.
- Flight: He can fly.
- Damage Cap: He can only take a maximum of 30 damage.
- Fire Immunity: He is immune to fire.
Wolf Boss
A large wolf. He has 2500 health.
- Swipe: He will hit all targets in a 7.5 block radius dealing 40% max health + 50 damage.
- Kick: He will kick all entities in a 5 block radius dealing 20% max health + 75
- Ground Shake: He will shake the ground dealing 10% max health + 150 damage twice in the same tick to all entities in a 40 block radius.
- Damage Cap: He can only take a maximum of 50 damage.
- Explosion Knockback Immunity: He cannot be knocked around or damaged by explosions.
- Fall Damage Immunity: He is immune to fall damage.
- Lightning Immunity: He is immune to fire.
An AI generated cat boss. He has 200 health.
- Melee: He can hit his target from up to 6 blocks away dealing 5% max health + 10 damage and a bolt of lightning will strike the target.
- Roar: He will roar dealing 1% max health + 5 to all entities in a 25 block radius.
- Teleportation: He can teleport to his target from any distance.
- Nine Lives: He has 9 lives so you have to kill him 9 times.
- Cloning: He can clone himself and have up to 9 clones at a time. Each clone has the same abilities as him (except for the cloning and 9 lives) but they have 25% of his health and will disappear after 10 seconds.
- Regeneration: He will regenerate 1 health every 10 seconds.
- Selective Damage Immunity: He is immune to fire, lightning, drowning and falling.
- Damage Cap: He can only take a maximum of 30 damage.
A cat with electricity powers (kinda like Greylight). He has 500 health.
- Slash: He will slash his target dealing 5% max health + 10 damage and will electrocute the target dealing 1% max health + 1 damage every 5 ticks for 1.5 seconds. This has a cool-down of 15 ticks.
- Lightning: He can summon lightning that can hit his target from up to 41.25 blocks away dealing 20% max health + 30 damage and will electrocute the target dealing 1% max health + 1 damage every 4 ticks for 1 second. This has a cool-down of 5 seconds.
- Lightning Strike Barrage: He will summon 5 lightning bolts 5 ticks apart that each deal 5% max health + 25 damage and will set the target on fire for 5 seconds. This will also electrocute the target dealing 1% max health + 1 damage every 5 ticks for 1.5 seconds.
- Dodge: He has a 5% chance to dodge attacks.
- Regeneration: He will regenerate 1 health every 10 ticks.
- Fall Damage Immunity: He is immune to fall damage.
- Fire Immunity: He is immune to fire.
- Lightning Immunity: He is immune to lightning.
- Damage Cap: He can only take a maximum of 20 damage.
- Custom I-Frames: He can only be attacked every 10 ticks.
Void Dragon
A "world destroying" dragon generated by AI. He has 1000 health.
- Swipe: He will swipe his target dealing 5% max health + 10 damage. This has a cool-down of 5 seconds.
- Roar: He will roar dealing 1% max health + 5 to all entities in a 25 block radius.
- Fire: He can breathe purple fire (that doesn't look very much like fire) that will last for 10 seconds dealing 1% max health + 5 to all entities in a 22.5 block radius.
- Teleportation: He can teleport to his target. This has a cool-down of 5 seconds.
- Regeneration: He will regenerate 10 health every 10 ticks.
- Fire Immunity: He is immune to fire.
- Damage Cap: He can only take a maximum of 20 damage.
Silverfish Boss
A big silverfish. He has 1250 health.
- Melee: He will hit his target dealing 2.5% max health + 20 damage.
- Lightning: He can summon lightning on his target dealing 20% max health + 100 damage. This has a cool-down of 30 seconds.
- Go into Ground: He will go into the ground and reappear behind his target after a few seconds. This has a cool-down of 30 seconds.
- Healing: He will heal 25% of dealt damage for each attack.
- Fall Damage Immunity: He is immune to fall damage.
- Fire Immunity: He is immune to fire.
- Lightning Immunity: He is immune to lightning.
- Damage Cap: He can only take a maximum of 50 damage.
A big witch who loves potions and magic. She has 450 health. This is still a work in progress, I will probably add more abilities.
Abilities: Potion Rain: She will point her wand up in the air and summon lots of instant damage 2 potions. Lightning Summoning: She will point her wand forward, spin in a circle, and summon lightning in a circular shape around her.
A regular looking pig, probably the most boring mob, I made it ages ago. He has 250 health.
- Melee: He will hit his target from up to 4 metres away dealing 10 damage.
- Damage Cap: He can only take a maximum of 35 damage.
- Fall Damage Immunity: He is immune to fall damage.
A mob that looks like a player, it has 20 health. The player also has hunger.
- Sprint Jump: When far from the target, the player will sprint jump.
You can give the player armour, weapons and food with /item or another mod. Food must be in left hand.
Player with armour on
Space Dimension for survival compatability To go there, at the moment, you need to use this command.
/execute in dragionns_stuff:empty_space run tp @s ~ ~ ~
To go back you can use this command.
/execute in minecraft:overworld run tp @s ~ ~ ~
- Made with MCreator
- Electricity Sound Effect from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com
- Lightning Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
- Microsoft Bing AI for some ideas.
- Ideas for some abilities from the Superpower Wiki.
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