Axel's Tables and Chairs
A Datapack that adds Modular, Functional, and Customizable Tables and Chairs to your Minecraft Single or Multiplayer world!

Types of Materials
Planks:   - Oak Planks   - Spruce Planks   - Birch Planks   - Jungle Planks   - Acacia Planks   - Dark Oak Planks   - Mangrove   - Cherry [Requires Experimental 1.20 pack]   - Bamboo [Requires Experimental 1.20 Pack]   - Crimson Planks   - Warped Planks Stones:   - Obsidian   - Block of Quartz   - Polished Blackstone Stone Bricks:   - Stone Brick   - Deepslate Brick   - Polished Blackstone Brick   - Endstone BrickThrone Only:   - Iron Block   - Gold Block   - Diamond Block   - Netherite Block
Axel's Tables and Chairs V5.0.0 [1.19.4+]
- Now with Benches!!
This Classic Datapack Started Back in 2019, posted on PMC
[Robella's Map used in gifs]

Table Features
Right Click Tables with a Furniture Hammer to Change the Legs:
Items:   Place items on tables by right clicking with the item on hand
Create a Table Cloth
  Light Blocks:
Place the Light Block on the Table
Create a Candelabra on the Center of the Table
  Other Items:
Create Inkwell, Feathered Inkwell, and Empty Paper
  Item Frames:
Place an invisible item frame on the table
 Shift Right Click an item frame on top of a table to place a visible one
 Hold an Item Frame in your hand to create a particle effect on all the invisible table item frames
Chair Features

Right Click:
  With Carpets: Place the Carpet as a Cushion on the chair   With anything else: Sit on the chair
Left Click:
  Punch the chair twice consecutively to break it

Shift Right Click:
  With a Furniture Hammer in Hand: Removes all items on the chair, (currently only meaning the Cushions)

Shift Left Click:
  Push the Chair 0.5 blocks in the direction you're facing
Bench Features

- Right Click the Bench with a Furniture Hammer to Cycle it!
- The rest is the same as a chair
Carved Variants
Carved Variants are each Unique to the material. They take the style of the material in question as inspiration for their designs.
External Links
* Submit any Bugs to the Discord
Other Datapacks:
- Clocks and Chimes: https://modrinth.com/datapack/clocks-and-chimes
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