🌲 About
Terraphilic is the Geophilic and Terralith compatibility data pack. It allows you to use both Terralith and Geophilic without losing any of the features either pack has to offer.
Terraphilic requires both Terralith and Geophilic to work! Make sure Terraphilic loads after (i.e. above) both packs. The order of the other two doesn't matter.
Terraphilic works by merging biome files of the two packs. If the same or similar placed feature exists in both, Geophilic's is replaced with Terralith's. Vanilla features without a Terralith equivalent are still replaced by Geophilic, and all other features are kept in the same load order.
Terraphilic does not modify Terralith biomes, although this might change in the future.
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